There are two types of people in this world.
1. Outer Scorers - These are the people who have an Outer Score Card all their life. Means whenever they did something or did not do something, they always looked at OTHERS to provide feedback, approval, appreciation or something. And based on what they RECEIVED from others they GRADED themselves on their Score Card. If someone said, oh you are pathetic, you messed it up, you are bad, instantly they graded themselves Zero or even Negative. If someone said Wow you are awesome, you did a good job, you are good, they graded themselves very high on their Score Card. So such people are ALWAYS on the MERCY of others around them, to make them feel good or bad. Such people blame OTHERS for their Unhappiness most of the time. After spending a LONG time with Outer Score Card, they lack TRUE SELF CONFIDENCE. If they find NO ONE around them providing feedback, approvals, appreciation or anything, they feel ANXIOUS about themselves and about their own decisions in life. Truly they NEVER developed FAITH in themselves. If one has no faith in oneself then life becomes a misery, tension, worries, anxiety, depression, grumpy, loneliness, dissatisfaction story.
2. Inner Scorers - These people have their philosophy of life very straight, they know the Universal or Cosmic Laws, like laws of Karma. These people DO NOT care what others may think about them. They DO NOT look for any approvals, permissions, appreciations or ANY feedback from others. They are HIGHLY WATCHFUL about their own INTENTIONS. And if they know their Intention is right, action in life may appear to be bad, horrible, painful to others, still, they will grade themselves really HIGH. And if they know that even though their Action may look good on the surface but their INTENTION, VOLITION isn't right, then they will grade themselves poorly. Such people are HIGHLY Confident in life, they place 100% of their FAITH in THEMSELVES. They do not need others to shove in or inject Faith, Self Confidence in them. They at times face tons of adversities in life because of their Inner Scoring System, but because they have Faith within themselves, they easily face and across all challenges. Their Self Esteem is HIGH, they NEVER need others to fulfill their own need for Self Esteem. They are HAPPY with themselves, they do not need others, to make them happy, neither do they blame others for making them unhappy. They are in control of themselves all the time. Because of Faith in themselves, they have the courage to FIGHT with Life if needed. They have Fighter Spirit.
No matter how much Stormy the weather may be, you will not find Dead Birds around. Why? A bird NEVER places her Faith, Trust on the branch, on the Tree, she is sitting. She places her faith in herself, and flies off, at the slightest shaking of branches, and that's what keeps her safe. So one should place their Faith in Oneself only. Hope this helps you understand what kind of score card you have and hope you are able to place your faith in yourself.