I often get this question from many people around me who are consciously walking the spiritual path.

First thing is you need to let go of the notion "my energy". There is no such thing as my energy, your energy, his energy, her energy. Why? When you say "my energy" you are isolating yourself from the energy. It's as if you are saying "me" is different than the "energy", which is never the case, because "you are energy itself", there is no such thing as "me and my energy". Energy should be looked at as a whole, and perception should be holistic. Then you will truly understand energy. Then you will accept the presence of energy. Then you will accept your own presence as energy. Also understand that when you say "my energy" you mean, how you feel, perceive energy through your mind and what effect it is having on your body. Now the active presence of the body itself is because of energy. Body and all it's five sheaths are energy, but it's beyond mind's comprehension, so you talk about it in terms of how it appears to your Mind, not necessarily how it actually exists. The reality of energy is different than your mental perception of energy. Many times when you feel other person's energy, it's not his energy that you actually feel, it's the perception of the "interaction" of you as energy to the other as Energy. So be clear about it. Yes sometimes that interaction will not feel nice to you, and you can say that XYZ is exuberating negative or lower vibrational energy, or ABC place has lower vibrations. So when you say "my energy" you are actually referring to that "interaction" that happens and the "mental perception" phenomenon that takes place.

Now that we are clear about Energy's presence as a Whole, the second thing that you need to let go of is "Control". Energy is holistic, it's whole and you can NEVER have any control over it, whatsoever, especially the way you understand "Control". Why? This whole Universe and all its elements and all life, the whole manifestation is nothing but Energy, including you. When you yourself are Energy, then are you saying you want to control yourself? Then that means some outside force needs to Control energy, but then what is NOT energy? What is outside Energy? What is that outside force? Nothing! Then, in other words, you are saying Energy (I) want to Control Energy (myself). So you are actually saying, you want to DIVIDE energy into two parts, Mischievous or Humble Energy (that needs to be controlled) and Controller Energy (which will control the mischievous one). You see here how your own mind is dividing Unity into Duality, that's how your mind understands everything. Now how can you actually divide energy into Mischievous one, and Controller one? Where will you draw the line, and how? See, that is what mind does all the time, it becomes the thief first and then goes on hunting itself acting as police. And it keeps you in the vicious cycle saying that "oh you are not able to achieve something", so keep on trying, keep on looking at different so-called mental solutions and, keep on working and working and working. It's a useless feat. Entire Universe is within us, we are representing entire Universe as Energy.

Now let's say you understand what energy is, and what mental drama about energy is and you have a holistic view about Energy. So let's see what is meant by "control"? Control, as you understand in life, means "power OVER". It could be power over another person, a group of people, or power over anything.

There are two ways to have power over anyone or anything. One way is through "manipulation", and another way is through "love". For a short period of time, both ways will seem fine, and will give you the same end result. But in longer term you will see that if you took the way of "manipulation" then you will completely lose that "person/thing/energy" whatever that you wanted to have "power over". Because through this way, you are "in control", but you are on the "receiving" end, and that other person/thing/energy is on the giving end. But If you fall in love with someone/something, you won't be hunting "receiving" all the time, you will NOT be on the receiving end, instead, there won't be any "giving" or "receiving" ends. Instead in love, you will be ONE with that person/thing/energy, you will be in UNION, and that's how you will have what you need, in fact, more than what you ever needed. In relationship also, imagine you are utterly in love with your partner, what happens then? Their life, their resources, their functions become part of your life, your resources, and your functions, that's when 1 + 1 becomes 11. But when in the relationship you are manipulating your partner, mentally, emotionally, then why exactly are you doing that? You are doing it so you can get your partner's life, resources, functions available to you when you need. You are foolish, trying to stay on the receiving side, thinking this is the way to get, this is the way to control other. This desire to control breeds "manipulation". If the end goal is to unite the life, resources, and functions, then a better approach is through love, isn't it? Where the other will freely merge with you, and will REVEAL what all they can do, will OPENLY let you use their powers, resources.

Exactly in a similar way, when you want to use the Power of Energy, or Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Ether then don't try to get "power over", instead try to be in Union out of love, be in Oneness out of love, devotion, surrender, and ALL elements and Energy will be at your disposal, then it will Reveal its inherent "secrets" to you, then it will reveal what all can be done through it, then it will reveal how actually it functions, and what all can be done, achieved through it. This is true for Mystics also.  They can either manipulate the elements and sometimes that manipulation, control will work, sometimes it will not, Or they can truly "be one with that element", out of love, devotion, surrender, merge with that element and let that element become part of their existence and reveal "how" it truly functions, how can it be used best, what all can be done, achieved through its proper use. A True Mystic Respects, and Accepts ONENESS with entire Nature/Universe. A True Mystic may use the elements, or energy for the greater cause, but will never abuse them, and even that "usability" is not through manipulation, but through love. In love one is never used by the other, instead one offers oneself to the other freely. Such union and offering are long lasting.

So if you truly want to harness the power of Energy for a good reason, then BE ONE with it, Be in LOVE with it, let it MERGE with you and let it be in Integration with you, and trust me, you will have ALL that you ever wanted, that Energy will give you everything that you ever thought of.

Energy is nothing but Shakti, Shakti is who we truly are. Respect it, Love it, Accept it and let it do the dance for you in the best possible way. If you ever had ANY FEARS from Energy, then understand that your perception, understanding about energy is wrong and that you truly were trying to manipulate it, you were trying to "overpower" it, control it in a childish way. Did it work? I know, it can never work in long term, no matter how hard you try. Instead, it will leave you forever Fearful.

If really power of Energy/Shakti has left you fearful in life, then try to respect, accept and love it for what it is, and if you want to harness its power, then OPEN your HEART, and be ONE with it and you can Embody it in it's most roaring, wild form, without any problems ever.

Fall in love with Shakti. Opening your heart is the key!

Five years back, when I tangibly started noticing the dance of Energy, Shakti in me, I fell in love with it, I was in complete "awe". Though that time, I noticed the "Dark" side of it. Dark doesn't mean bad, Dark simply means Energy/Shakti that grounds you to your Earthly experience as a Body, which dances in your human-ness, which lets you experience all dark moments/faces of your life, which lets you experience life through your own body and it's various functions and all senses, emotions at their peak. When I realized it's wildness through me, I had to surrender out of love. I let it dance until it let me go. Yes, you NEVER ascend until you Embody the Dark Energy first. The more you try to escape it's grounding nature, earthly human experience that it is trying to give you, the more you try to run away towards the "Light or White" Energy, more it will pull you back, more it will try to ground you, more it will try to show you your own wildest, weakest, darkest face. Through inner knowing I let it run it's course for 1.5 years, and finally there came a moment, when it felt as if a switch is turned-off in me, ALL wildness, ferociousness, grounding was gone, instead it was replaced by Light Energy, which was very subtle in nature, which was the True Expression of my Spiritual Self, my Soul. It's the Dark Energy which lets you loose to ascend, it's the Dark energy which initiates the process of Ascension. And one needs to Embody dark first.

Goddess Kali holds Dark Energy in one hand, and Light Energy in another hand. Goddess Kali holds Death in one hand and Life in another hand. And that's what it signifies, that as a human you are the Beholder of Dark and Light both. It signifies that experience Death first in order to Reborn as a New Life again. You need to embody Wild, Ferocious, Ravenous, Ruthless, Grounding Shakti in order to hold Subtle, Compassionate, Tender, Pleasant Shakti. You need to embody BOTH polarities of Shakti. In other words, you need to embody your humanness in order to embody your Divinity.

So yes, when you say that a Dark Energy is trying to get hold of you, it's TRUE. It is trying to get hold of you, it is trying to give you an experience that is needed for your evolution, for your ascension, it is trying to show you the wildest, ugliest, weakest side of you, not to harass you, not to torture you, but only to show what you hide deep down, what you fear the most. So you can come out of it, and get rid of your fears forever, and behold, be the Master of your own Dark side, embody the Dark Energy/Shakti. But most of the time, you try to run from it, you try to escape it, deny it, you fear it, you want to hide that expression of yours, you run for several types of healing for body, mind, emotions and that delays your ascension process. That's all that does. Next time when that Dark Energy tries to get hold of you, calm down, see what it is trying to show you, see what is hidden deep beneath the layers of your mind that it is trying to bring up, rejoice in its presence, accept its functioning and dance in you, and let it do what it is supposed to do. Once you do that, you will be free from an aspect of it that it was trying to show you, you will truly ascend! On the name of Spiritual Journey, you cannot run away from Earthly Human Experience, you cannot run away from the wild side of your own, you cannot run away from bodily temptations, demands, needs, fears you cannot run away from those faces of yours which when coming out you immediately respond with "oh this can't be me, how can I be like this, this is horrible me, I can't handle myself". You can only MASTER all this, by letting yourself go through that experience.

The day Dark Energy is done showing you all that you hide deep within, done giving you experiences that show you your own faces, NEVER EVER AGAIN in life this Dark Energy will try to bound you, ground you, scare you, or do anything at all with you. That means you have integrated everything that you feared within, denied within you have integrated all broken aspects of who you are. You are fearless wholesome Shakti.

~ Adiguru


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