What is the Unconscious in you? How it works?
In the Western World, it was a renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud who discovered the "Unconscious". And in the Eastern world existence of Unconscious is known and accepted since time immemorial. Spiritual practices, Meditation techniques talk about this Unconscious in detail and helps us make it Conscious so it no longer controls our actions and choices in life.
Many people assume that what goes on inside of them is pretty much straightforward, while it is far from the truth. The Unconscious is part of every human and heavily influences the actions and choices that one makes in life. Those compelling urges to do something or not, to do this or that often makes one wonder where they come from and how like a puppet one just follow those urges. Persistent thoughts, feelings of despair, disdain, fear, indescribable pain etc often comes from within for no apparent reason and mind tries hard to justify and look for reasons. After much struggle one just gives up looking for reasons and accepts that this is who he/she is.
There are times when you are able to notice your Unconscious as to "how" it is making you feel. Suddenly when you start to feel sad or fearful or angry for no reason then you do know at some level that it is coming from within and it's not something that has a connection outside of you, to someone or something else. It's not only for the negative feelings or thoughts, at times one may start feeling like a child seeking attention or pampering or love from others around and after few hours or the very next day it is gone and one is back to their adult-self. There are times when for hours/days you may get thoughts about something from the past and only when you come out it, you realize that those thoughts and emotions have been driving you and they took so much of your time and energy. You may decide to not get into it again, but after few days it repeats and you have been swayed again, and have absolutely no control over yourself.
Most of you have pretty much simple and standard way of reacting and handling situations in life. It may seem as if you are designed that way. But on the deeper level, many of you are aware that some of your patterns of reactions are not very helpful in letting you live life satisfactorily. And this deeper knowing pushes you to decide that next time you will not behave or react out of your set pattern. I have often heard people saying that "oh I am such an emotional fool", "I get easily manipulated", "I am temperamental", "I get talkative when nervous" and so on, so this means that people are aware of their unconscious patterns and behaviors, but it's just that it seems they have no control over it and it keeps on repeating in life. People find it very difficult to change their mind and behave or react differently when it happens the next time.
All this is the Unconscious part of you!
Formation of Unconscious
Life is one and it's eternal so some part of our Unconscious belongs to our past lives, but most of it belongs to our present life.
A major part of the unconscious is formed during your childhood when you were not so equipped to deal with the harshness of life and events. As a young child, you often see, feel, experience life that is too much to take in and you have no way to express it, talk to anyone about it. You may not have anyone around you to discuss what is going on inside you and you yourself do not know how to deal with it. This leads to a lot of suppression of feelings which is going to drive you, drive your actions, decisions, and behavior for the rest of your life.
Are you a vegetarian consciously, or is it that you were brought up in a family where no one ate non-veg hence you were not taught to eat it from childhood. If later is the case then being vegetarian doesn't matter, as it is not your Conscious choice. Yes if you were a nonvegetarian since childhood but you consciously became vegetarian then that matters, there is a deep lesson of compassion, non-violence towards yourself which you have learned and you made a conscious choice to be otherwise. So this is what being Conscious and Unconscious is about.
As an adult, many times you reject the feelings of pain, shame, guilt, and hurt and busy yourself with activities and mundane life in order to not fully feel them, accept them and let them pass through you, hence these feelings are suppressed and buried deep down and become your Unconscious. They don't go away, they just are hidden. But they do control your decisions, actions, and choices in life. For example you may have been hurt really bad in love and you got over it superficially and started living life, but never again you will be able to love anyone else full heartedly, some part of yourself you will always hold back and not surrender in order to save yourself from the possibility of getting hurt again. You may think that this is the wise thing to do and now you are being clever about it, but in reality, the exact same thing will repeat again and you are bound to get hurt.
It's not that love always hurts or anything like that. The point that I am trying to make here is that suppressed feelings, emotions create your Unconscious and Drive You!
So how to avoid that? or How to make Unconscious Conscious?
Well, most important question to ask here is - What is it trying to teach me?
Any particular event or situation in life is trying to teach you a lesson. It could be a lesson of Self-worth or Self-love or something else. When you ask many times to yourself and if you are patient enough you are able to "know" the answer. Once you know what lesson you are supposed to learn, you will have to put it to practice, you will have to implement it in life in all the situations that you going through presently, so no "special painful" event happens again to teach you the very same lesson. Until you learn your life lesson, the similar kind of event keeps on repeating and you are driven by your Unconscious. When you Consciously start throwing light upon your Unconscious by learning your life lessons you will be much relieved, you will feel very light in your Spirit and you will become peaceful inside as you start loving your inner child unconditionally.
Enlightened ones are fully Conscious in every moment and even their anger is out of compassion for the other. They are peaceful as deep ocean and can cause the emotional waves to crash on the shore beautifully. Their anger is not an anger truly since they are in full control, they use emotions as a tool to get done whatever is needed and their show of emotions is more like a child's play where they are driving the play purposefully, intentionally. Many Enlightened Zen Masters were famous for carrying a stick with them and spanking their disciples and many others still have to put up a show of emotions in order to make others understand the deeper truth of life.
Enlightened ones are fully Conscious in every moment and even their anger is out of compassion for the other. They are peaceful as deep ocean and can cause the emotional waves to crash on the shore beautifully. Their anger is not an anger truly since they are in full control, they use emotions as a tool to get done whatever is needed and their show of emotions is more like a child's play where they are driving the play purposefully, intentionally. Many Enlightened Zen Masters were famous for carrying a stick with them and spanking their disciples and many others still have to put up a show of emotions in order to make others understand the deeper truth of life.
~ Adiguru
Note - At Being Shiva's Echoflections program we teach practical techniques to make Unconscious Conscious to live a healthier and happier life that you deserve!
Note - At Being Shiva's Echoflections program we teach practical techniques to make Unconscious Conscious to live a healthier and happier life that you deserve!
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