Presence of Self Realized one

Questioner: How does your presence, or connection to you through thoughts, speech or touch transform others? How does your energy effects others and how does it work? Will you take my negative energy, and convert it into positive, or will you give your positive energy to me? Why do some people get highly disturbed around you?

Prakriti: Let's understand the energy side of it first, so it's easy for you to grasp the entire concept. People around me are not the balanced ones, all of you have two polarities negative and positive in you. Sometimes you are driven by Negative, and sometimes you are driven by Positive. Or in other words, we can say you are driven by Imbalance. Driven by certain polarity or imbalance means, it impacts your Body, Mind, and Emotions in a certain way. It impacts your Energy Body (Etheric Body) and your Astral Body too, but since you are not in the direct experience of those two bodies, or layers/sheaths of your bodies, so you don't know what is happening there. But you can certainly notice the impact on your physical body, mind, and emotions when you are one way or the other. When you are driven by imbalance and Positive Energy is high in you, your physical body feels healthy, light weight, as if you can bounce around, no pains bother you, even if you have any. Under the influence of Positive Energy, your emotional state is calm, without much turbulence and you are full of love and kindness for everyone around. Through Positive Energy your mind is a little bit quieter and is not churning self-sabotaging thoughts at a crazy speed. But it's very difficult for you to maintain this state for long because after all, it's the projection of imbalance within you. Something may come up from your memory bank, experience closet, or someone around you may push your button and you will be doomed, sulking in Negative Energy again, as the imbalance will project the other side now. Why this up and down? Not because of the presence of Negative Energy in you. Not because Negative Energy exists in the first place. Nothing because of Negative Energy, like you go on blaming it for everything. It's only because of the ABSENCE of BALANCE in you. Negative and Positive both energies are "needed" for survival on the earthly plane. The problem is because of the missing balance. If the balance is there in you, then one or other will not impact your system, your body, mind, emotions, different layers of your body, instead, BALANCE will impact all this, Balance will DRIVE you, your life and your body systems. So in other words, you are being driven by IMBALANCE, and this Existence, Cosmos, or Prakriti (Me) is driven by Balance. In other words, this Existence, Prakriti (Me), Cosmos are Synonyms for BALANCED Energy/Power/Shakti. Balance also means UNIFICATION of the TWO POLARITIES, Negative and Positive. This principle of energy is similar to the Electricity used in your house. You can only light up a Bulb if the electricity is flowing with the balance of both polarities. Only Negative charge or Only Postive charge is of no use. When one says I am a totally positive person, know that he/she is bullshitting (Laughs). Only when one is balanced, one is of ANY USE for others, otherwise not. Depending upon "which polarity" is in ACTIVE state in you, you invite people, experiences that help you "notice & learn" from that. 

When you are Balanced, then there is nothing left to learn, then it doesn't matter if you are dealing with a Negative person or Positive person, it won't impact you at all. Instead, your Balance will impact them. 

So when someone is around me or connected to me via thoughts, speech/talking, or through touch, then my BALANCE is PROJECTED onto their IMBALANCE. Now the most important point here to understand is that it's NOT MY balance, or "Prakriti's balance", it's the Cosmic Law, Cosmic Balance, it's the Balance of Existence, it's the Balance INHERENT in Imbalance, it's the SELF, as all these are synonyms. Yea you get that, feel that through this physical body (my body), so you can say as if I am doing something, or that Prakriti's presence is impacting others, but in fact, it's the Presence of SELF which projects the Cosmic Balance. When SELF projects something, reflects someone, then there are no geographical boundaries, hence a person may be thinking about Prakriti (me) sitting thousands of miles away, still they will have an impact, because SELF is Boundless, Limitless, Infinite. 

Now let's discuss the most interesting part about it. What happens when Balance through me is projected on the Imbalance in you? 

If I give you the different size of weights and ask you to Balance the Scale, what will you do? You put some weight on the left-hand side, and right-hand side will go up, then you will put some on the right, then left might go up and by continuous up and down in some time you will be able to balance the Scale. Exactly in a similar way, when balance through me is projected on your imbalance your Scale starts going up and down. That too at a faster rate, because Balance is being projected on you. Earlier through other people, situations you were attracting Imbalance, either Positive or Negative charge/energy/polarity only, so the up-down movement of the scale was slower as you were dealing with one side of the scale at a time. But now the balance is being projected, hence at the lightening speed, your imbalance tries to come to balance. It may or may not come to Complete Balance, but movement/transition towards Balance will start taking place. 

Now in what all ways will you experience this movement of imbalanced scale within you? 

So the highest level of impact happens on your Energy/Etheric Body. And it impacts your physical, mental and emotional bodies. You may feel WEAKER physically. WHY? The NEGATIVE Energy which you have is being DRAINED now, flowing out now. But then why feel weaker? To understand this, let me cite an analogy. A person may feel as if his stomach is full when he is constipated and hasn't had a fair amount of excretion in a while. Is that "fullness" because of good food that one has eaten? NO. It's the fullness, bloating that comes from WASTE, excretory material stored in his system. But when that constipated one goes through good excretion, right after that he feels DRAINED, TIRED, as if he has lost energy. Mentally he feels satisfied knowing that waste is out of his system now. So after a while, he regains his strength, but it takes some time because a constipated person has to SPEND more Energy in throwing out that Waste. So in the similar way you all are energetically constipated, and when Negative Energy starts balancing itself, and the useless amount is being drained out, you feel physically weak. But only for some time, maybe 24 hours or so, and then you are back into your BEST if you haven't encountered any other imbalances.

While negative energy is being drained out from your Physical body, it is also being drained out from Mental and Emotional plane. So during this cleansing, balancing period, your mind may give you all sorts of crazy thoughts, thoughts that will make you restless, anxious, fearful, because that is what you have gathered and that's what you pushed under the rug, ignored safely while living life. But now your FALSE safety is challenged, the curtain, the rug is being pulled to see what's beneath that. And whatever is there will come out. So you may go out of your mind. (Laughs). In a similar way whatever hidden emotional pains you have harbored inside will come out too, especially the ones which were hidden 6 feet beneath the ground, the darkest ones which you NEVER wanted to face. Well now the ground is being dug and all that you buried is coming out. So you feel emotionally challenged, out of control during this period. Best thing to do in order to deal with this upheaval is to lie down, focus on breathing and just be the witness to what mind and emotions are bringing out, don't react. Just be a silent witness.

Why all this? To Balance you, Cleanse you, Heal you. Spiritual Healing happens by exposing the unhealed wounds, by bringing everything to the surface to address it. Once you address it, it will be gone, and you will feel lighter, happier, and energetic. At some level, you as a being will be transformed, balanced. Its' important that you stay in quiet for some time, you stay ALONE for some time, after you have been touched by me, in one way or the other. So you can address what is coming out of you, so you can close those chapters which are no longer part of your life, so you can spend some time learning from your own mind/thoughts and emotional turbulence that is happening. If you immediately rush back into your mundane life, then that touch, energy, connection through me will not be of much use. It will still transform you, but it won't be a Conscious Process for you. While the pursuit of Spiritual Journey is to learn to live Consciously. Higher the imbalance in you, more shaken, weaker, disturbed you will feel. But it's good to feel this way, as there are some which will NOT feel anything at all, as it's not their time, they are not in receiving condition at all. Depending upon what level you are at, the transformation in you will happen accordingly. 

So that's what happens! Staying around or in touch by any means with a Self-Realized one is a form of Sadhana in itself. It transforms you in one way or the other. This is the reason you are asked to live in an Ashram or place around Self Realized one. This is also the reason why Self Realized ones try to come in contact with lesser people and do not force anyone to be around them. As not everyone is ready to handle life Consciously at a higher speed.

I do not have an independent Negative polarity of energy in me to draw Positive from someone, something, neither do I have independent Positive in me, to draw Negative energy from someone or something. I cannot TRANSACT energy in One POLARITY or another.  I/SELF/COSMOS can only Project BALANCE onto the IMBALANCE. 

What is another word for this "Balance of Energy/Shakti/Power" or Unification of Polarities of Energy? Unconditional Love. What is another word for this "Imbalance of Energy/Shakti/Power" that you have within? The absence of Unconditional Love. So in other words, this Unconditional Love through me, flows towards you in a very powerful way to fulfill your existence, your space, so you no longer live in the absence, lack of it. So you love & accept yourself Unconditionally, the way you are without masking it. So you know you are deeply loved by me/SELF, by Divine, by yourself. That's how SELF works through this body that is there. That's how surroundings are transformed. 

That's what, how and, why SELF is and just is.

 सर्वेशां स्वस्तिर्भवतु ।
सर्वेशां शान्तिर्भवतु ।
सर्वेशां पुर्णंभवतु ।
सर्वेशां मङ्गलंभवतु ।
 शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Purnnam-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Mangalam-Bhavatu |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

May there be Well-Being in All,
May there be Peace in All,
May there be Completeness in All,
May there be Auspiciousness in All,
Om PeacePeacePeace.

Questioner: Is there a technique to Balance my energy?
Prakriti: Yes, there is a Technique to balance your energy. Whenever you are down with negative energy and mind starts running like crazy, then STOP, pay attention to what is it that mind is trying to show you. The ONLY way to push the mind aside 99% is by REMOVING ALL FEARS from within you. Until all your fears are gone, and you become fearless, the mind will NOT stop its craziness. When the mind is doing craziness, it's just trying to surface up some fear. Fears are nothing but strong Attachments. Fear and Attachment are two sides of one coin. Like Fear of Death is the Attachment to Body/Person/Personality. Until you give up that attachment in all forms body/person/personality mind will not stop, cannot be stopped. Once all mental/emotional issues are addressed, energy will Balance itself. Cleansing of Mental and Emotional plane is what balances the energy, and mental and emotional planes are the ones which SHOW you the imbalance in the first place. Mental and Emotional planes are OUTLET MALLS, where Factory stuff is being sold to Retail Customers. Means mental and emotional planes are the workspace for you to deal with Karma/Unconscious Mind Storage/Warehouse. Because there is no DIRECT access to that Unconscious Mind for you. Time to time mental thoughts and emotions SHOW you what you have inside since all lifetimes and whatever is not worth keeping, you have to discard that so that warehouse is clean and you can CLOSE your mental, emotional Outlet Mall.

~ Adiguru


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