Yes, this is exactly opposite of what you were taught in this world. That never burn the bridges, never throw away the ladder that you used to climb up, keep the boat that you crossed the river with safely tied to the shore and now no wonder you wonder why you are so indecisive in your life? Why you can never commit to anything wholeheartedly? Why you always feel confused and always find yourself in the midst of conflict within yourself and outside in life that whether you should do this or that? And why your mind comes up with suggestions like take one step forward but don't move the back-foot keep it where it is and no wonder you never reach anywhere instead fell flat on your face. Why things take so long for you? Why the end result is always the opposite of what you wanted? Why no significant achievement ever comes in your life? Why you are always in dilemma? Why people tell you "be a man", you are not yet a man? Why there is no integrity in you? Why your character, personality is shabby, is gray? Why other's feel they cannot trust you or rely on you? Why you appear like a bottomless bucket to others?

Did life keep you half here and half there? Did you come out of your mother's womb half? What if your mother decided to deliver only half the baby you? What if when Death says let me just take you partially? You will be a vegetable, on the bed in Comatose, right? Yes, that's right. That's what happens.

Let's see how this works. So say for example you are in your home country and an offer, an opportunity comes for you to go to another country. Your clever mind starts telling you all the pros and cons of both places, but still stresses more on where you are right now, because mind has very short visibility range and it can only see what you have in your hand right now, and that is what certainty and security is for the mind, so it will emphasize it, enlarge it. It cannot see anything that hasn't happen yet, you haven't gone to that new country, place, so for the mind, that is unknown, insecure, uncertain and mind fears that. And because you are "weak", you lack the "power of your Soul/Spirit", it's easy for you to buy into that fear than take the risk of unknown and uncertain. And sometimes even when that poor Soul within starts to say that "it wants to live" and tells you to go ahead, your mind confronts it and when the fight goes on for too long then mind comes up with a "suicidal mission". How? First, it creates a "rosy/desired end result" and then it tells you the "time to achieve" that end result, then it tells you to keep the back door open, do not burn the bridges, keep the ladder in its place, hide the boat into a safe place. So that in case you do not achieve that "rosy end result" in the "given time" then you can "go back", "escape". So mind tells you to "play safe". The mind tells you to have your two feet in two places and have both. Neither give up the present nor go for that future. Instead be at both places fifty-fifty. Mind divides. Divides you into two, into present and future, into what you have and what you should have. It divides your focus, concentration and your energy, your spirit. And no doubt after few years you reach "nowhere". Nothing fruitful happens. Neither you lived your present, nor ever that future became a reality and you end up frustrated losing present and future both. You become a washerman's dog, who is neither of any use at home, nor on the washing site. You become "completely useless". No one around can trust you at all, you have no integrity at all because you believe in "escape plans", "back doors", "hidden agendas", you are a fearful person, who will run back even with slight challenge or difficulty. Your mind is looking for one small difficulty to be able to say "see I told you to keep the back door open", then even small difficulties will look like Mountain to you, because you already programmed your mind to find out reasons to look back. Now who will stand with you? How can anyone be with you? You are not a man, not a human yet. People rather be with a Tree than be with you. You thought you were being "clever" and "intelligent", but you fool, you fooled yourself. You became a loser.

So what went wrong, do you see that? The first thing to know & accept is that you are a Slave of your Mind. You are not a person of Courage, of Heart. So that's why you listened to your Mind, instead of following your Heart. Now let's see what else went wrong.

Mind created 3 things -

  • Rosy/Desired End Result
  • Timeline
  • Back Doors, Escape routes/strategies
Is there truly something as "end result"? No! Life is eternal, End is Death! Only Death we can call as "End" so why are you trying to create "death", "full stop"? Can you say that any of your jobs will be your last job? Can you say I will not work at all in any way, anywhere? Can you ever be so certain about anything in future at all? So then what is this fascination with some "desired end result". Did you ever get what you truly wanted? And even when you got it, can you say you can keep it forever? Can you say you will not desire anything else on that same line? No, No No. You can never say never. So if your efforts are done full-heartedly then results will be fruitful always, that's the law of nature, and then whatever the fruits might be you will enjoy it because you have done all that you could, you left no stone unturned. You were TOTAL in your efforts, in your spirit, in your decision. So then there is no question of "imagining a certain type of end result or goal". Drop this nonsense!

Now, what is this "Timeline" that you have come up with? Do you know whether you will be alive tomorrow or not? Do you know for sure that you will not get severely sick, or will not be in an accident in future? Can you say for sure that so many wild & deadly variety of diseases will not happen to you? Can you say you will not get a heart attack or stroke? Can you say for sure that you will not die in your sleep? Did God give you any timeline that "you know" of? Did your mom or nature give you a timeline that by this age you should have all your teeth, by this month you should be walking, by this date you should hit your puberty? No! You got your teeth when you got them, you started walking when you were ready, you did not look at other kids and thought oh other toddlers of my age have started walking so should I too. Many of your friends hit their puberty before you, or after you, did you wait for anyone, or were you able to speed up? Then whose timeline, what is this timeline? We all take our own sweet time for anything and everything. There is no race going on, no competition in life. Nothing ever gets on your timeline, you know that very well, you know that from your own life experience. Then why create a "timeline" in your mind? Timelines always "provoke" the escaping behavior. While I was working as a Software Professional I always used to tell my team members that "Relax, take one day at a time. Project Timeline should not become Deadline for your Lifeline". Timelines are "Time Bombs", they make you run away, suffer in so many ways. What a correct name, Time is a Bomb. Timelines do not help you in any way, they are the hurdle to realizing one's own potential. You will "never" know your own depths and potential. You can never explore yourself at all because every time you will give up sooner than you should have because there is a timeline in your mind. At least for living life do not create such useless, fake timelines for yourself. You will never know who you are, you will suppress yourself, you are stopping your own growth. It's like saying if this lemon tree doesn't flower and bear fruits in next two years I will chop it down. What nonsense is this? You are chopping down yourself sooner than you should, so you never see yourself flowering, to fruition. Stop creating this deadline, timeline for yourself. Let life be eternal as it truly is and accept it. Let life, nature flow within you on its own time. Just do your best and surrender the rest. Let Nature, Life, Universe do its own magic, it's own work. 

Now the moment you throw away those imaginations of "rosy/desired end results" and this bullshit business of "timeline" you will yourself burn the bridges, throw away the ladder and drown the boat and will close all the back doors and escape routes, escape strategies. There won't be any "Plan B" in your life. Every plan will be "Plan A" only. 

Let's see how "Decisive" ones, whole-hearted people handle the same situation of moving to another country.

Such people will get excited about it right away, thinking they are getting something new, something different, they won't bother much about pros and cons as anyways life is not lived by the principles of profit and loss. These people know themselves very much, they know what do they want, they are very clear about it. They have higher Soul Power, Stronger Spirit because they did not suppress it every now and then while growing up even if following their heart gave them pain or troubles. They trust themselves to take any risks. More than worrying about Future, they will focus on what do they need to do "now" to make that distant thing a reality. They are focused more on their present steps because that is what will bring the fruitful outcome. They do not keep themselves busy in thinking and procrastinating about a rosy/desired end result. Such people will not divide themselves within between their efforts of today and goal in future. They will think less about that end result, that goal and work and focus more on what needs to be done now. The division between present and future will not be there, they will not exist in two places at one time. Those who focus too much on end result or goal forget to put the right amount of effort in their present. End Result, Goal is Future, Efforts towards that End goal needs to be done today, it is the present. Since their energy, their heart is not divided their full focus will be on the efforts of today and no doubt they will reach the end goal safer and faster. When such people live their life, they become an example for others, others can rely on them as they show the integrity. They will do what they are saying they will do, they are doers, people of action, not empty words and wishful thinking. They are determined and once they set their mind to something there is No Going Back. Such people are not sure about life, have not seen the future, they don't know anything better than others, but.... but they are sure about themselves, they have trust, faith on themselves and that makes the whole difference. Whatever they do they do it wholeheartedly. If they do not want to do anything they won't do it at all, but will never do anything halfheartedly. They are very decisive and can hear a clear-cut "yes" or "no" within them and nothing can influence them, drive them away or change their mind. They give themselves fully to anyone or anything in life. There is no such thing as fifty-fifty in their life. Hence they succeed in whatever they do. Life for them is very much Black and White and no shades of Gray. Since they are focused on Today, on the efforts of today they are very fluid, they can change very quickly when something doesn't work, they are pro-change, pro-life as it's more about the "journey" and not the "end goal". And the journey is full of twists and turns, slow and fast movements, ups and downs, pains and gains and they do not live in "denial" of the natural flow of life. They do not waste their energy in trying to hold life, stop life, go against the flow of life. Once they move on they do not look back. They do not believe in the Myth of Balance. Life is a constant change/movement and balance is as momentary in the pendulum of life as are two extremes, so why bother so much. Such people are "fully alive", their life is a symphony, a dance. Can you imagine a dance without any movement? Can you imagine a music where the sound is still, stagnant, just one tone? It will blast your ears, right? Have you seen any tree which doesn't behave according to the changing seasons, weather? The tree goes on growing new leaves, shedding the old ones, growing new branches, new bark, shedding the old one. The river goes on flowing constantly, never water stops for a moment. Earth goes on shifting, moving, piling upon itself to create mountains and lifting itself to create valleys. Does tree keep it's flowers safe thinking spring is too far away and next spring I may not be alive to flower again, this winter may kill me? What is stagnant, or stoppable in Nature? Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! Everything is ever changing, ever moving.

But no, you the silly human want certainty, an idea of security you love out of fear, you want to trap life, hold, stop life in all possible ways. Your stupid mind comes up with all sorts of breaks that can be put on life. You live "Death" every day, you are not living "Life" at all. Can you wear the same skin back that you shed every day? Can you bring back the eyes, the look that you had as a child? Can you go back to your mother's womb? No, No, No. There is no going back. Life never goes back. Rivers never start flowing upwards to store their water and not go into the ocean. Nothing ever goes back, there is no such thing as keeping the bridges and ladders and boats safely so someday you can go back. If you do that then you are planning on going back to another mother's womb, starting life all over in an animal or human body to learn the very same lesson that "life is a movement, accept it, be decisive, be whole, don't be divided". If anything goes back to the same old then yes it's Cyclical, it becomes Karma, Unconscious Pattern, it becomes an endless cycle of "death and birth", it becomes a roller-coaster and you become the Hamster riding it. You are trapped in your false certainty, security, your own false idea of "end result" and you call it life, you think you are going somewhere, moving, but you are not. A "whole-hearted, decisive" person can see your life and tell you in a moment that you are not living at all, you are not alive within, you have no joy in you, you have no peace in your heart, you do not sleep well, you are riding hamster wheel and it is not taking you anywhere, you are not evolving, not maturing, not growing, you are dead now, doesn't matter if your body keeps going around, you are a zombie. You are not yet a Man, a Human.

Stop coming up with imaginations of "end results", stop procrastinating. And stop making life hard for yourself by creating timelines. It all happens when it happens. Just focus on doing your efforts wholeheartedly. Make a choice in life, but then live that choice. Don't see here and there and don't fool yourself thinking the past, that other thing might have been better. Exercising Choice means living the choice, accepting the choice wholeheartedly.

Osho and Satya Sai Baba happened in the same time, same era. So a guy named Chandu Bhaiya became Disciple of Satya Sai Baba and after staying in his Ashram he heard about Osho and felt more inclined towards Osho. So after six months Chandu Bhaiya came to Osho's Ashram. Every day he used to listen to Osho but the moment he used to go back to his room, he used to look at the picture of Satya Sai Baba that he was keeping and used to pray to that. When Chandu Bhaiya was living with Satya Sai Baba he was with Osho and now when he was with Osho he was half available to Satya Sai. End result? Nothing! He never learned anything at all. Because he came up with clever strategy of keeping both Ashram, both Gurus in case one rejects or doesn't work. None worked!

That's why it has happened sometimes that even in the presence of Un-Enlightened Masters one becomes Enlightened, because the effort is Total, the surrender is Total. And it has happened million times that even in the close presence and guidance of Enlightened Master, nothing happens in people like Chandu! Because they are half and half!

Be Total!

~ Adiguru


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