Experiencing, Knowing and Being are, "Three stages of Existence", three planes where we exist, three levels of Consciousness as we exist, Three Reflections of THAT/Brahm. Experiencing is the Gross Reflection of THAT, Knowing is the Subtle Reflection of THAT, Being is the Causal Reflection of THAT. These are also the Three stages of Waking Consciousness, Deep Sleep Consciousness, and Consciousness of the 4th State, Turiya which is called as Beyond. These are also the Three Hindu Gods viz, Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (Shiva). 

If you try to align them on the Spiritual Path, then yes we are Born as Experiencer, with Enlightenment it is dead, and we live as a Knower, then with Self Realization Knower is dead, and we live as Being. So these Three stages of Realization/Living/Consciousness have TWO Events in between, one is Enlightenment, one is Self Realization. Net Resultant of living as a Being is LIBERATION/MOKSHA.

From the perspective of Tantra, Experiencer belongs to three lower chakras, Knower belongs to three upper chakras, and Being is 7th Chakra where Shakti is in Union with Shiva.

Read more about each one of them as below:

Below is Beyond Existence & Non-Existence - 

ABSOLUTE - ABSOLUTE ~ Being Shiva (beingshivablog.blogspot.com)  - Beyond Existence & Non-Existence

Note - If you look at the Top Navigation of this blog, you will see 4 items along with HOME as EXPERIENCING, KNOWING, BEING, ABSOLUTE. These 4 are added as dedicated pages as these three stages comprise of whole life. And 4th one is BEYOND. Time to time, I will keep adding stuff to these pages. 

~ Adiguru Prakriti