Showing posts with label 5th Dimensional Body. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5th Dimensional Body. Show all posts

Ananda and Paramananda

Yes, 24 by 7 by 365 by lifetime of Bliss is what eventually happens due to Self-Realization, but it’s not the “aim”, it’s not the “end goal”. Instead bliss is a byproduct of Self Realization, it will happen whether you want it or not, you will become Bliss. 

Bliss is BEYOND happiness & unhappiness. Happiness & Unhappiness have an EXTERNAL REASON attached to it, external Cause attached to it, while Bliss has NO CAUSE.

Bliss when is achieved through Kechari Mudra, or any externally forced reason is called as “Ananda”, while Bliss when achieved through the UNION with Cosmos, through 5th dimensional body, through Self Realization, through being ONE with Cosmos and Supreme Consciousness, through your OPEN HEART CHAKRA is called as – PARAMANANDA.

Ananda is like a One Time Sparkle. 

Ananda is a STATE, it will come and go and when it is gone one will try to get it again, one will keep running after it, it’s a wave in the ocean which will rise and crash.

While Paramananda is BLISS ITSELF, it means “becoming bliss”, it doesn’t come and go and it’s the Ocean itself, not the wave. It's a continuous existence, it's existential. 

Paramananda is NOT an hindrance in Self Realization at all, because it happens due to Open Heart Chakra and it ELEVATES you, Makes your Body Hold more and more LIGHT, it HEALS your BODY, changes your DNA, Nervous System, Cellular Structure, because there is NO BLOCKAGE/VASANA to STOP these changes from happening.

Ananda doesn’t cause Healing, because Chakras are blocked by Vasanas, till the time there is blockage in Chakras, there are Vasanas, Ananda doesn’t cause healing. If Ananda would have caused Healing & expansion of Subtle Body then all Yogis practicing Kechari Mudra for the sake of Ananda, would have been Self Realized by now. 

~ Adiguru Prakriti

Love from Beyond

Till the time we have human life and a human body, it will be about Relationship and Love. Here I am not talking about the emotional love that we know and I am not talking about the relationship from the social standpoint.

I am talking about Love from Beyond, Universal Love and Relationship that is Multi-Dimensional. When one is Enlightened or Self-Realized there is no capacity left to love anyone just emotionally or even unconditionally because "condition" to be "unconditional" will still be there, hence it makes no sense. We cannot play with words forever and fool ourselves.

Universal love is beyond the body, mind, emotions and beyond Soul.

    Source: The Web

Universal love starts happening at the level of Cosmos itself, there is nothing personal about it. It first draws your attention towards yourself and pushes you to become "whole", be the Universe yourself and realize your own true nature as a liberated, immortal being. Once that is achieved and you embody your divinity then it starts pulling you in its direction straight away to have the heart-on collision, yes not head-on, remember head was exchanged for divinity through Self-Realization process. The energy starts changing around you and since you are already in the state of Love-Bliss most of the time it is easy to notice, you can't miss it.

Universal Love accentuates energy on you and slowly you start accepting the possibility of a Multi-Dimensional relationship which earlier in life might have seemed like a fairy tale. Dance of energy around goes on for some time until you say "yes I am ready". Still, you don't know ready for what and ready for whom, but that's how life unfolds and you trust that divine unfolding process. Saying "yes I am ready" is the phase one of this Universal Love. The changes of energy are very tangible and suddenly your etheric body starts mingling with that Universal Love energy, without any focal point as another human, though yet.

Below is how it actually feels like emanating from the Heart Center.

    Source: The Web

Slowly you start adjusting to this energy emanating from you and being around you most of the time. It is overwhelming and could be physically tiring after a couple of days. You start living, breathing, walking into this Etheric field. It's too much to contain and it ends up spilling all around and you become the compassionate being. You start sharing that love with others. This is phase two for Universal Love energy that you are pushed towards.

Now gradually this etheric field starts changing its polarity. If you are male this energy feels like feminine and if you are female then this energy starts taking masculine polarity. This change is so subtle that you can't identify it so clearly, because once you are Enlightened or Self-Realized you lose your own gender/polarity too from your mind, being-ness has no gender, hence recognizing another doesn't come that easy. It still is a Dance of Universal love in your Etheric field and there is nothing personal about it. Day by day you learn to live with this and you kind of stay lost in it, it feels like a fragrance that is all around you, within and without, as such Enlightened and/or Self-Realized ones do not know what is within and what is without, it's all an Ocean of Infinity.

After few months from the Etheric body, energy starts getting all the way down to your other layers of the body and it starts getting little personal. You may start seeing the Visions of a man or woman, you may start feeling as if you are in an eternal embrace with them, and you may start living with them in your Multi-Dimensional form. Upon seeing and hearing through visions, you may skip a heart beat or may be stunned for few days or may end up smiling. Slowly it becomes a bond unknown, love unknown, relationship unknown. Unknown only in the worldly sense, it's very much known to you, to the core of your heart, to the core of your etheric body, to the core of your whole being, how to call it unknown anymore, it becomes more Real and Known to you than any real human being in flesh and bones around you. It becomes Reality at another dimension, yes it is the play/leela of Consciousness, but heck even the physical body, all layers of the body and even energy are that too. When anyways Leela is being played, let it be played in the best interest of the Universe. So no need to doubt it or confuse it with your Self-Realization and no need to create a boundary for you. Many Self-Realized ones were Kings, Queens and Lovers afterward. Consciousness chooses each one of us to play accordingly just like different sounds comes out of different musical instruments, though sound/naad is one and is OM and only Silence is being played in different gaps in the form of music.

                                Source: The Web

Remember you became Androgynous, Ardhnarishwara yourself through Self-Realization process, but if needed for fulfilling the divine will you can manifest the half opposite polar embodiment in the real life to stand by your side, to be with you and you both can change the world and serve the divinity together. Shakti can choose to manifest Shiva externally and Shiva can externalize his Shakti in real human feminine form. When two such whole beings are trying to do this, it is bound to come out as a reality on the relative plane with roots in Ultimate Truth.

Alternatively, you may choose to just live your Ardhanarishwara state as the way I have described it is how the embodiment of masculine and feminine polarities or Balance of both worlds feels like. Eternal Love and Romance goes on within you in Ardhanarishwara state, every bit of life around feels romantic, each expression of Consciousness feels utterly romantic. Divine glow of yours and charisma keeps everyone around you enchanted and be pulled like honey bees on flowers.

If Mother Consciousness is choosing you to manifest Universal Love in the human form, accept it as Divine Will, do not doubt it, question it and a real tangible person will be with you after enough vibrations have been synchronized for manifestation.

~ Adiguru

Experiencing, Knowing and Being are, "Three stages of Existence", three planes where we exist, three levels of Consciousness as we exist, Three Reflections of THAT/Brahm. Experiencing is the Gross Reflection of THAT, Knowing is the Subtle Reflection of THAT, Being is the Causal Reflection of THAT. These are also the Three stages of Waking Consciousness, Deep Sleep Consciousness, and Consciousness of the 4th State, Turiya which is called as Beyond. These are also the Three Hindu Gods viz, Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (Shiva). 

If you try to align them on the Spiritual Path, then yes we are Born as Experiencer, with Enlightenment it is dead, and we live as a Knower, then with Self Realization Knower is dead, and we live as Being. So these Three stages of Realization/Living/Consciousness have TWO Events in between, one is Enlightenment, one is Self Realization. Net Resultant of living as a Being is LIBERATION/MOKSHA.

From the perspective of Tantra, Experiencer belongs to three lower chakras, Knower belongs to three upper chakras, and Being is 7th Chakra where Shakti is in Union with Shiva.

Read more about each one of them as below:

Below is Beyond Existence & Non-Existence - 

ABSOLUTE - ABSOLUTE ~ Being Shiva (  - Beyond Existence & Non-Existence

Note - If you look at the Top Navigation of this blog, you will see 4 items along with HOME as EXPERIENCING, KNOWING, BEING, ABSOLUTE. These 4 are added as dedicated pages as these three stages comprise of whole life. And 4th one is BEYOND. Time to time, I will keep adding stuff to these pages. 

~ Adiguru Prakriti

Awareness of Being Alive

Let's see what the deepest, darkest rooted FEAR or IGNORANCE in humans is? 

We all understand intellectually that "Enlightenment" is DEATH. Self Realization is the ACCEPTANCE of DEATH and SURRENDER of WILL. Liberation is Net Resultant of Self Realization. Falling into or Living in Emptiness/Void/Nothingness is like LIVING THE DEATH. Yes, it seems like a Paradox, but it is not. When one seeks Enlightenment, one intellectually knows that one is asking for death, but ONLY the death of Mind, Emotions, EGO etc. No one is asking for the Death of the Body. No one is asking for the DEATH of LIFE in them. And LIFE here means, living as an Enlightened Being, living as a Spiritual Teacher, or a Guru, or a Saint, or a Mystic, or something else on those lines or a Mother or Bread Earner of the family and something on worldly lines. THEY ARE NOT ASKING FOR ALL THIS. Right? Rarely anyone would seek Enlightenment if it brings death to the body if it brings death to the living being itself. WHY? Because of the FEAR. What Fear? Fear that one may become physically challenged and may not have anyone by their side to take care of them. Fear of not being able to earn a decent living for himself/herself. Fear of not being able to operate their body in a proper way. Fear of being NOBODY, Fear of being UNKNOWN to the world forever. Fear of not being able to LIVE the Bliss of being an Enlightened person. Fear of NOT being able to lecture/teach people. Fear of not being able to write any books, Fear of not being able to DISPLAY their knowledge/path/wisdom to anyone. Fear of not being able to show or tell anyone what mystical powers they have got. Why? Because all these FEARS are tied to ONLY one thing, Fear of not having a BODY and if one is able to OVERCOME that, there still lies a FEAR OF DEATH OF LIFE, FEAR OF LOSING ALIVENESS WITHIN. It is VERY DIFFICULT, ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to sense, understand this Fear, or see the FACE of this Underlying Fear. Everyone wants to FEEL ALIVE, have an AWARENESS or SENSE of being ALIVE. Nobody wants to LOSE that. The whole effort of doing ANYTHING in life is trying to FEEL ALIVE at one or many levels, through one or many aspects, many ways. The pursuit of life is just this, isn't it? People are FEARFUL of getting into deep, dark depression or psychosis or any other mental imbalance. Why? BECAUSE they fear LOSING that ALIVENESS, they fear the loss of AWARENESS that SENSE of BEING ALIVE.

Now let's understand this "Sense/Awareness of Aliveness" little more. Why do you think people drink alcohol or drugs, or do adventure sports, or sex, build relationships, or go speed racing, or anything like that? To STRENGTHEN their Awareness of being Alive. Isn't it? In simple words, we say "we feel alive" by doing so. Even HELPING others, Financially, Emotionally, Physically, Professionally, Mentally, Intellectually, Spiritually or whichever way, makes us FEEL ALIVE. What are OTHER WORDS that we wrap this ALIVENESS into? We say we feel meaningful, purposeful, useful, thrilled, excited, blissful, happy, elevated, successful etc in life. But all these words are DIFFERENT ways of Wrapping the Sense/Awareness of ALIVENESS WITHIN. When we are sick, even with Fever, or Migraine, or Viral or anything, why do we want to get up from the bed as soon as possible? Why do we want to come out of it as soon as possible? Because IT TOOK AWAY our Sense/Awareness of BEING ALIVE. It takes away our ALIVENESS, physically, mentally or whichever way you want to look at it. Why do we fear Depression, Psychosis or any other physical or mental disability because it takes away our sense/awareness of being alive, right? Why do you think some Spiritual Enthusiasts are so much into and after Kundalini and Energy experiences, why do you think people want to have Mystical Experiences? Why do you think people even want to feel Divine Energy (wrapped as DIVINE LOVE), or a Divine Person's Energy? It makes them FEEL HIGHLY ALIVE. They wrap this "HIGHLY ALIVE FEELING" into other words, like Divine Love, Worthy of being Divine, Deserving Enlightenment or Liberation and all that, there could be MANY MANY wrappings and NICE WORDS for all this. But regardless of all words and wrappings, at the core, at the root, it is nothing but AWARENESS OF BEING ALIVE. So AT ALL COST we want to KEEP THAT, MAINTAIN THAT, sense of being alive. At NO COST we are EVER ready to GIVE IT UP. Who is this who doesn't want to give it up? Who is it in us who is clinging to it? EGO! Not the REAL YOU.

Why? EGO can NEVER understand what it means to be truly ALIVE. Ego doesn't know that who we are is ETERNAL ALIVENESS. Ego wants to have Aliveness Felt, Retained, Defined in its own way of understanding. Ego is part of MIND, it will NEVER understand that it's not something for the EGO to understand EVER. Ego fears, What if after being Enlightened/Self-Realized, NO REFLECTION comes out? What if there is NO LIVING BEING left to EVEN KNOW whether there is/was someone Enlightened, or became Pure Consciousness or Divine? All this is NOT for an understanding of EGO. So it FEARS, it RUNS AWAY from all this and clings to its own meanings and definitions of being alive.

It is NOT WRONG to have this FEAR, it is NOT WRONG to FEEL this way, it is NOT WRONG to Acknowledge that it's a HARD thing to live with. The First STEP is to ACCEPT and ACKNOWLEDGE that you have this Fear, instead of running away, or hiding somewhere or putting up a face that says no no I am fine. Once you ACCEPT and YOU KNOW that you have ACCEPTED, then we can do something about it. If you do not accept that there is a hair or dust in your eye and you keep on endlessly blinking and thinking oh I see fine, then HOW CAN YOU DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? You are DENYING it's PRESENCE. So first thing is to accept that "it's OK to have this fear", "it's OK to be this way", ACCEPT the PRESENCE of this FEAR.

Why is it OK to feel this way? Why is it OK to have this Fear? Why is it OK to have an ATTACHMENT to this FEAR? The answer is simple!

Didn't we all SIGN-UP to be packaged as HUMANS who will have Ego, Fears, Anxieties, Emotions and all that? Did we not sign-up to be ABLE TO FUNCTION IN DUALITY/IGNORANCE/MAYA/DREAM WORLD/ILLUSIONARY WORLD? Now how can we FUNCTION in DUALITY without having FEARS? Doesn't fear GUARDS us in one way or the other all through our life? Doesn't Fear HELPS US STAY ALIVE by not taking useless risks? Doesn't it WARN us on time? Isn't ANXIETY that gut feeling which tells us sometimes that there is something wrong and we take necessary actions timely? Isn't EGO actually the BIGGEST PROTECTOR of our Body and MIND? Isn't it the Ego who is always busy in "Self Preservation" in one way or the other, and so we can stay ALIVE to this date, to this age? Aren't our Attachments responsible for SHAPING our life to a greater extent? Did not Attachments defined and made us who we are today? Did not attachments MADE US, SHOWED US that we are Loving, Caring, Passionate Human Beings. So then WHO SAYS ALL THIS NEEDS TO BE DISCARDED OR DELETED OR NEGLECTED OR REMOVED? Why do we need to do that? No way! We do not need to kill or discard or give away all these. We need to SEE THEM AS THEY ARE. We need to SEE THEIR TRUE PURPOSE that they are there for. These are TOOLS for us to LIVE and should be understood that way and left as is. No need to FIGHT them or try to Kill them. It won't work. Enlightened people have FEARS too, they show up as stomach growling or sudden change in energy and they immediately take action to SAVE their body, their energy. Do they NOT HAVE RIGHT to save their body? Do they not have right to exist in Body? Do they have no right to save their energy? Do they have no right to be human? Do they have no right to exist and play roles in Maya, Dream World? YES, THEY DO HAVE ALL THESE RIGHTS STILL! Being Enlightened doesn't mean feeling so IMMORTAL that you start driving your car in opposite direction in the wrong lane. It doesn't mean keep talking, lecturing, spending energy on others endlessly. It doesn't mean not eating or drinking or fulfilling other bodily needs as they arise. It doesn't mean STOP LIVING in any way. It doesn't mean Not Feeling ALIVE in any way. But TRULY ALIVE, not the Ego's understanding of Being Alive. So how can any Enlightened, Self-realized or No-Self person LIVE in their BODY and LIVE on this Planet Earth without WEARING THEIR GARB/Clothes/Costume OF EGO AGAIN? Once Ego is understood for its TRUE purpose and meaning, ALL Enlightened/Self Realized people WEAR it again, like a Costume, to play, to live in this world. They not only wear their Ego back, they wear Anger and Emotions too. You think I will NOT get Angry if someone punches me, God swear I will punch them back. You think I will not push people away from me if I think they are not there yet for me to do something about them? Yes, I will, this is Ego in function. Do you think I do not pat or hug or show love to my son or kids/people around me? I do, those are Emotions put to right use. So After being Enlightened/Self-Realized, we again start with ALL that we had before, it's like completing the 360 degrees circle journey. You are back again on the same starting point and you start in the RIGHT PERSPECTIVE now. You use the tools (fears, ego, emotions etc) for their right purpose, for living here and living in the body. So there is NOTHING wrong with Fears, Emotions and Ego, ALL you need to do is UNDERSTAND THEM IN RIGHT PERSPECTIVE.

~ Guru