Emotional Candy Bazaar

Questioner: I have done a lot for others in life, I have fulfilled all the responsibilities properly and I have given 100% to my spouse, my kids and everyone around me. Despite all that, I feel empty within, I feel I am not loved. I feel empty, incomplete, Why?

Prakriti: Were you ever lost at Candy Bazaar?
Questioner: Not that I remember.

Prakriti: Well, now you are. You are lost at Emotional Candy Bazaar. You were trying to find fulfillment in life through your emotions. You adopted a sense of responsibility and you played with emotions through others. You have an emotional investment in others and now you are seeking a return. Others are not returning you the equal amount of love, kindness and you feel empty. 

See, when you were seeking emotional fulfillment you did stuff for others, in order to spend some good time with them, love them, kindness from them, or something else. Every little pleasure that you looked forward to, was an emotional candy exchange. You felt very happy every time you got one candy and then you looked for more and more. You were seeking fulfillment outside of yourself, it doesn't work that way. Fulfillment, Contentment has to come from within, it happens when awareness arises, consciousness expands. And for that, you have to give up your attachment to all emotional candies. When your emotions are sweet, you call that love candy, when your emotions are bitter, you call it anger, and when there is a change of state, or in between state, you call it anxiety. All these are nothing but Emotional candies and you are lost in that Bazaar (Marketplace). Emotions are Energy in Motion, it turns around every two and half days, in any normal person. So you keep on moving from one shelf (love for example) to another (Guilt or Anger for example). 

Why stay lost? Come out of that Bazaar. You certainly don't want bitter candies like anger, guilt, shame, fear etc. You may want sweet love candy. Let's see what that candy actually is?

What you call love is actually an emotion in you. True love is "Devotion", "Bhakti", where one loses all identities and is ready to die for it. Let the intensity of love in you reach it's peak that Bhakti/Devotion arises. Love someone, something with so much intensity that you are ready to die for it, then certainly you will cross the limitations of love as an emotion and you will truly transcend your nature, behavior, perception and it will open the door of true fulfillment in you. Your logical, rational mind is what prevents you from going into such an intense love, devotion state. A devotee/Bhakta is always content in her/his devotion/love, they never complain that the other is not reciprocating it, may it be a person, thing or God Almighty. Devotees are content always, want nothing, they stay in the state of love and transcend their human nature. Until love as an emotion has transcended to Devotion, it can never provide any fulfillment to you and you will always feel empty, incomplete within and you will look at others to fill the void in you.

Unless this transcendence happens in you, you are an emotional fool lost at Emotional Candy Bazaar. Yeah, I have been there too (Laughs).

~ Adiguru


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