How do we go about making life changing decisions?

If you understand that your life is your making, then what is stopping you from making a life altering decision? An important point to consider is, does your life changing decision involves only you or does it impacts, involves others as well? If it involves only you, then you need to be courageous and have faith in yourself to make it happen. If it involves others also, then it’s a matter of their consent too, then it becomes a joint, combined decision and not yours alone. To make such joint decisions, you need to take care of other’s interests and well-being too, not yours alone, only then that decision will work out, or else it will be a constant struggle, which you may not want. 

~ Adiguru

How do we go about forgiving others for wrong doings?

This is a very good question. There are many ways to forgive others, but the REASON to forgive is only one. When someone does something wrong, bad to you then you react. Sometimes the reaction is visible, external, like someone punches you and you punch them back. But other times reaction may not be external, physical. Wrong/Bad doings by anyone can hurt you in many ways. Physically, Financially or Emotionally. Hurt or wound may or may not be physical or financial, but it is definitely emotional in you, and that’s the reason you are asking this question. So you are carrying an emotional wound in you and you want to heal it, let it go. 

Forgiving may seem like something being done to another person, other than you yourself, but it is a “Reflection” of the emotional wound/scar in you. So the ONLY reason to forgive someone is because you want to “heal yourself”. Forgiving is not an act of pride or charity or greatness. You are not forgiving someone to help them. You are forgiving to help yourself. You have a sore wound in you, and it’s not letting you breathe and live and you want to heal it. Now how important it is for you, to heal yourself? Did you reach a point where it is an absolute necessity? If yes, then just visualize the person who had hurt you, in your mind and say this to yourself “I forgive you for everything that you have done to me, you were only human”. Keep repeating it every day for few weeks to let it sink in your heart. Slowly the healing inside you will take place, and you will be free of your emotional wound. Here, mind it, you are not only accepting that the other person is human to make mistakes, you are accepting your own human-ness too. Humans do get hurt and humans do forgive others. Every time you forgive someone, your ego breaks. Why? Because you connect the act of forgiving to "someone" else. Once you understand that you are not forgiving for the benefit or sake of that other person, instead you are forgiving for yourself, to heal your own wound, your mind/ego won’t do much drama. Now, another point to understand here is, that every situation in our life is teaching us a lesson. It could be the lesson of Self-Love, Self-Worth. How does one learn the lesson of Self-Love, Self-Worth? By healing their emotional wounds and in order heal them, you have to forgive others. 

~ Adiguru

What is your plan for future? What will you be doing?

I do not have any plans, goals or agendas to live life now. Whichever way Divine wishes "this" to live, it will live that way only. For now I have this website for people to reach out to me, and I have some serious people going through their spiritual journey, whom I keep an eye on and try to help them from time to time. For living, earning I am still working as a Software Professional. How it will be tomorrow, I do not know that. Once the "Will" is surrendered through Self Realization, then there is no one within to even try to know what will tomorrow bring. I am either blissful, or peaceful and life just keep going around me, it's fun. I am totally in love with everything and nothing. (Laughs)

~ Adiguru
If you are asking did I divorce because of my Spiritual Pursuits, then no, it wasn't because of my longing for Divine. (Laughs) It was a decision based upon some facts and it was a mutual, peaceful closure after being married for 14 years. We all are humans and at times have to respect and value our own boundaries and limits. My Ex-Husband is a good father, nice person and I still stay in touch with him on human and friendly grounds. Other than that, yes, I had some close friends and circle of friends, who couldn't understand my need for "isolation" and the way my life went on a different tangent and I have to part ways with many of them. I stopped going to many gatherings and have to decline almost all the invitations, as I couldn't justify living that way. Nowadays, I do prefer one on one long discussions, talks, and I still avoid social gatherings where people put up a fake face and fake smile. 

~ Adiguru
Don't you feel confused when you go to buy a Mobile Phone or Car? There are so many make & models and features. What do you do then? How do you arrive at a conclusion to buy one or the other? You take a deeper look at your "NEED". Not your "want". Though in the era of consumerism, people do buy out of "want" too. But for discussion and understanding sake, let's stick to the "need". So you take a deeper look at your needs, you see what you can and cannot do, given your life situations. You see how far you can stretch yourself? And based on YOUR OWN ANALYSIS DEEP WITHIN you decide which Cell Phone or Car to buy.

 Exactly, in the same way, you should be doing the analysis within you, and then should walk the path that works best for you. And like how you feel happy about so many makes, models, choices available, so you should be happy that there are many ways to walk the path of Liberation. The population of the earth is 7.3 Billion people and there are less than 50 Self Realized Masters whom public/people can reach out to. It doesn't give you very many choices frankly, but you feel deluded as you do not know what is it that you need? What is it that you are trying to do with your life? Are you seeking "Well-being" or are you actively seeking "Liberation", both of these two are very different journeys. Analyze your need within and go that way. I cannot forcefully create the desire for Liberation in you, or for Renunciation in your mind. I do not have a magic wand to Mass Enlighten people. (Laughs)

~ Adiguru
At random, sometimes I may hug a child or someone in pain, or may hold someone's hand. Divine Mother within may function that way. I do not deny the human need for unconditional love, a hug, and holding hands. But an important point to understand here is that I am not my body. There is nothing that one can get extra, by touching this body, or touching my feet. Whatever can be achieved, can be just by thinking about me. No need to see this body even, I am not my body. No need to get attached to this physical body. 

~ Adiguru

Do you still get angry?

All emotions are nothing but tools, to live life, to get things done, and they can be used when necessary. So yes, when Anger is needed to bring the change in someone or to change something, or to get something done, I do display anger. I do not hold it, though. I cannot hold any emotion longer than it is necessary. Don't forget some of the Zen Masters used to Spank their Disciples. No wonder, if someday you see me walking with a stick in my hand too. (Laughs)

~ Adiguru
Rudraksh is a seed from a tree, and it creates the cocoon around you of your energy, it is helpful while walking the Spiritual Path, as every ounce of energy matters. Everything is energy and one is bound to lose a lot of their good energy when one has to stay all day long in offices, in between people, crowded places. So better wear something that can help you. I am still working as a Software Professional and I am in between people from morning till evening. I did not have the luxury to pursue my Spiritual Life in a secluded environment. As Adyashanti mentioned in one of his book that these days, someone may be Enlightened over the weekend, and they may be in an office by Monday. This is exactly how it happened with me. While and After Enlightenment, Self Realization my life, my routine, my work everything stayed the same for me. I have a family, my son to take care of. I am a Divorced, Single mom and I cannot afford to not work as of now. So when life is functional all around, then better wear something, or do something that saves your energy, and keeps you going on your spiritual path. I did not want to wait until I am 60 years old, and retired, to fulfill my longing for Liberation. (Laughs)

~ Adiguru

You eat Non-Veg. Why?

You have a preset notion how the Self-Realized ones should be. How they should talk, dress, behave, teach and all nonsense. You have seen many Religious Masters, Gurus who do not eat many things or maintain a different public personality. Not all Self Realized ones really revealed their life behind the walls of their house, ashram, a spiritual organization, so based on their public appearances and personality you created a notion about them, thinking all should be like that. Now let's see what you are asking? I did eat non-veg all through my life until Enlightenment, and then due to energy changes, physical body changes it went down and finally there came a time when I stopped all-together. Nowadays, I eat what I get, what is being cooked for the family. I do not command my will, there is no personal will left in me, that's what Self-realization is. I have a family and they all eat non-veg occasionally, and I can't change them overnight like I cannot change your mind/all beliefs/notions overnight. Not only animals have Prana, all plants have Prana too. Though I would say that human's digestive system is not made for eating non-veg and works best with vegetarian food, I am saying this from my own experience. If someone asks me before cooking, or if I am myself cooking I prefer vegetarian. I am a good cook and love cooking different cuisines. And I love Indian food, curries. Give up all your preset notions about Self Realized ones, you can only experience the TRUTH when you are ready to Accept the Human-ness in Humans! Brahm/THAT is in everyone and everything!

~ Adiguru
Whatever Divine wishes for anyone around me, it goes that way. I do not will, wish, intend or control such things around me. There is no performer within who can perform such things. Mystical powers are better put to good use for humanity at large. What powers I have may be known to those who experienced it through me, or to the world tomorrow if it has to be that way, if that is Divine's wish. Other than that there is no point in really talking about it. You call them Mystical because Universal Truth, Unified Whole is beyond your understanding as of now, but so is "WI-FI" for some of the Tribal people in today's world. Receiving email from one corner to the other, across the world in less than a minute is highly mystical too. Yes, I am a Software Professional. (Laughs)

~ Adiguru