Oh c'mon I have changed! Really, Seriously?

When you are walking Spiritual Path consciously it is very important that you understand the difference between "Change" and "Transformation" and focus on Transformation and not change.

The word "change" itself means it can change, can change back, it's a continuous process, it is a movement which is mostly due to changed circumstances, events in life. If you have someone around you who expects you to behave in a certain way you will change yourself accordingly when you are around that person. Suppose you are a compulsive talker and a person whom you like is a quiet one, then around him/her you will change yourself to stay quiet, but the moment you are away from him/her you will be back as a chatterbox. If a person around you is Spiritual and doesn't involve himself/herself much in the useless mundane then just to stick around with them you will listen to their Spiritual talks and will ask questions accordingly, but the moment you are away from that person you will be back to your mundane and useless world as you belong there and that's who you truly are. If you are with a Truthful person, you will try to be truthful, but the moment you are with others you are back to your throne of lies. In a nutshell, you become like Chameleon, who will change color according to the circumstances and will adjust for the time-being but very soon will be back to the Original.

When this Original goes through an "irreversible, radical change" then it is called as Transformation. Transformation is not continuous, it is not a process, it happens once for a kind/type and it's done. It's like how a Larvae becomes a Butterfly and once it becomes a butterfly there is no going back, it cannot become Larvae again. It cannot go back to the cocoon and be pupa again. Transformation is not a process, it doesn't take long, it can happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye.

Change is an activity by your Mind, while Transformation happens through increased Awareness, it's a permanent change in Consciousness. Change is like modifying the architecture of a building, but Transformation means changing the building blocks itself. The mind is unstable, the mind is clever, and mind keeps on moving like a pendulum and will cause misery. By changing yourself you will not find Peace within, because the moment you change you are under a lot of pressure to not change back to your old ways, to your so called adopted originality. When you are Transformed you are at Peace because the change was not circumstantial, it wasn't forced from outside, it is permanent and there is no one inside you to fight against its stability. I have heard many saying that - I changed so much due to life, due to circumstances, for him or for her, but still there is no Peace, no comfort within. Yes! true! how can there be? Because you are changing yourself and not transforming yourself. You are changing yourself according to society, according to your friends, family, relatives, loved ones.

When external circumstances are "causing" the change then the moment those external circumstances changes to something else you will change again, so there is no permanence at all, no peace in your heart.

A lot of you come to me claiming that you have changed, yes I agree you have changed your way of life because you found new concepts of living, you found something that excites you more now, you found something which seems more important, meaningful, purposeful to you now. But within yourself, there is a constant struggle to not go back to your old ways and you want to make those external circumstances permanent, which is not going to happen in this ever-changing world. So you are continuously at war with yourself, your inside plane is a battlefield and fight is always on. Therefore despite changing yourself, you are not at peace.

And when you are so busy changing yourself, you are also busy either expecting or really trying to change others around you. It becomes a hyper-reactionary world, causes more misery, more suffering. Next time you try to be chameleon see if it is truly, deeply making you happy? Learn to notice and see the futility of your chameleon efforts.

So then, how should one go through Transformation? How to make it happen?

First and the foremost thing is to acknowledge and accept the way mind tries to be clever and forces you into the change according to the circumstances. Witness it, accept it and let it go. Stop being a chameleon!

Second and the last step is to increase your Awareness, by changing the quality, level of your Consciousness which cannot be achieved without achieving the Meditative State. Hence there is so much focus on breathing practices (Pranayama), Yoga, just to cultivate the Meditativeness in you. You cannot be meditative just by sitting and closing your eyes and focusing on Mantra or Yantra or music or something else. Most people need some Pranayama for few months or years before they can actually begin to truly be in the meditative state. So start somewhere from some practice and see where it leads you. Not everyone has to go through every step in the same sequence, it's a very personal and unique journey and steps given to you by your Guru/Guide are just for you, don't go on re-prescribing them to others around you.

~ Adiguru

Quality of Pure Consciousness: Awareness

One quality of Pure Consciousness is Awareness. And every moment (or whatever smallest moment of time one can refer to) it is Aware of what needs to be done perfectly, but the next moment doesn't have the awareness, memory, record of the very previous moment. This is totally opposite of how mind executes life. Mind executes life from the memory of previous moments only, Mind cannot function without the storehouse of memory/experiences. There is no PRESENT moment for Mind at all, it's a UN-ACHIEVABLE STATE for the mind. Only Awareness have access to PRESENT moment because Present Moment Doesn't exist in the Time Dimension, it's beyond time and space. Time is always fleeting, every nanosecond is fleeting, and Mind keeps track of all that went by, passed, over. That is how the mind works. But in order for life to function, one needs only Awareness, which keeps one rooted in NOW, rooted in Present Moment, which is a STILL STATE, NO MOVEMENT of time, No Fleeting moments at all. The State of NOW, which is a state maintained by Awareness and Not by the mind. What is meant by Living in Now? The mind needs to dissolve, merge, in order to experience Now, in order to let Awareness take control. And it's not that people do not experience this state when Awareness takes the control of life and Mind is dissolved, or immersed and loses its existence, many experiences this state often, intense love, intense sexual orgasm is one such state. But yea all those are momentary and one looses them before one could understand anything about it. On the other hand, if the absorption of mind, happens as a result of intense meditation, or due to any of the Chaitanya Samadhi, then it's prolonged experience. Since my Enlightenment, a countless number of times, I have stayed absorbed in Absolute Consciousness (Nirgun Brahm) or Nirvikalpa Samadhi, and I have got accustomed to living life simply through AWARENESS. The Longest one was right after Enlightenment for 72-75 days and then NOW only NOW is there for me, nothing else. What do I lose by living with Awareness and not the Mind? Memories! It's not that I have forgotten everything about my life, my choices, my habits, and about my past, but No New Memories are being created because life is being lived in EVERY MOMENT. When I live in every moment, what is the need to record them, recall later and enjoy or sulk over them later? Express accordingly and Live in that very moment itself, and be done. Awareness is the Quality, Tangible Manifestation of Pure Consciousness. Sometimes I like to call it "Personal Consciousness" as it is operating my life, my body.

Nirvikalpa State is a highly AWARE state, means Awareness of everything around me is there, while I am in this state, I face questions like, how come you not know that you ate breakfast today or what did you eat for breakfast today? Because Awareness means living beyond time, living in NOW/PRESENT. When I had breakfast I was 100% aware of it, and later information, experience about it is not needed, Mind is not there, so no impression was made. When you are asking me about breakfast which I had 6 hours ago, that is PAST and Awareness can only have access to Present. But still if TIME needs to be looked at, means if Time/Past/Future needs to be accessed for a Real Purpose, Awareness can easily do that, it may take few minutes to tune into the Time Channel. Awareness can get you answers about your past life, which was hundreds of years ago if it is genuinely needed, but you are only asking me something really silly like what did I eat for lunch? Mundane need not to be confused with Eternity like Life. Awareness is not meant the for mundane. Will you use Jet Plane to go to the office or you will go by car? This gives people a wrong notion that when one is in Samadhi or Absolute Consciousness State, they become forgetful. No, they do not, only to the mind it appears that way. And that too it happens when there is a SHIFT.

While I am in this Absolute Consciousness (or while it "IS"), I cannot describe the World, the Creation, neither can I describe my own body symptoms, or the Absolute itself. But yet there is Awareness, an all encompassing which is the seen, sight and the seer and I cannot call it "me/he/she/God/Divine" anything, something that operates body and life with Divine Love!

By the Love of Divine, I am here. 
For the Love of Divine, I am here.

~ Adiguru

99,000 Sheep

There is a saying back home that "there are 99,000 Sheep while there are 5 Lions in a Jungle". Now as we all know Sheep lives in herds, large groups, have similar ideas and concepts of life and most importantly they all follow one another. Contrary to this Lions usually roams around alone, have very different ideas and concepts of life and they are independent beings for most of their lives. Lion's can't be domesticated and Sheep will never be called "WILD".

Is it Sheep's fault that she is born as a sheep or is it Lion's fault that it is born as a Lion? No! Being born the way they are now is nobody's fault. Sheep are born with FEAR as the Core of their Being, while Lion's are born with COURAGE as the Core of their Being.

Sheep builds a safety net around her life because the core of her being is Fear. They follow whatever principles or rules of life were given to them by the elders, they are super afraid to venture out alone and find out the TRUTH by themselves. Their idea of family or in other words security comes when the number of family members is at least 4, 6 or more, they never understand that 2 could be a family too. When entire jungle has only 5 or so Lions then 2 is a perfect family. Sheep have their own concept of happiness, unhappiness which is mostly derived by the hypocritical way of living or what they have been told by the society, elders or whomsoever and they rant a lot if they see anyone around not complying with their principles, concepts of life that they built out of their physical, emotional, mental insecurity. Sheep lives a mentally and emotionally boxed life, they maintain hard boundaries if not truly then at least to show their herd and society that they live in. They lack the courage to break any boundary of society, herd and their world. For Sheep there is NO TRUTH beyond what they have been told. There is NO Question of trying to find any Truth, just stick to the pre-designed life and go by the rules of society, elders, parents and the herd.

Hence they never find the Truth/Brahm/Self/That and end up living a fearful life.

Quite the opposite is Lion who's life revolves around Courage. Lion ventures out alone to unknown lands and is not afraid to find out what is there and face the Truth by himself. Lion's life is "free" of all concepts, notions, and principles of life, he builds them as he goes. Lion's do not follow one another and mostly have their territory marked by choice with strength. Lion's idea of happiness and unhappiness and family is not built up of what they were told by elders or any tom, dick and harry. By living the life they find out the meaning of life. Lion doesn't live a boxed life, his spirit soars high and he does roars high.

Now again, it's nobody's fault that a Sheep is sheep and lives out of Fear, and Lion is the emblem of Courage and Strength. They both are born differently, they both are poles apart in their life.

The problem comes when Sheep starts convincing and imposing their concepts, principles of life on Lion. Lion never goes around and imposes his principles of Courage on Sheep, because Lions can smell a Sheep. Due to fluffy ears and narrowly focused vision, it becomes hard for Sheep at times to spot a Lion. Sheep rants a lot you can hear them for hours going "Beh-Beh" non-stop, while you may have never heard a Lion roaring continuously even 5 times in an hour. Kids spend hours in zoo standing in front of a Lion to hear one roar of Courage.

The question here is are you a Sheep or are you a Lion? The answer to this will tell where you will end up with your Spiritual Path. How far will you ever go on your Spiritual Journey? If you are a Sheep forget about even starting the REAL Spiritual Journey, you will NEVER even find the door, or you may end up standing in front of the door, but will never find the courage to go in. And it's not even about Spiritual Journey, as a Sheep you will end up living a "suffocating, hypocritical" life based on your false assumptions and principles. If you are fine by this, go on, keep on living that way, nobody is stopping you. Lions do not need an army of Sheep, only Sheep want Lion to be on their side. Lion can understand Sheep's fear, but Sheep has no way to know Lion's Courage and Strength.

The day you are not fine by yourself living like that and you display fearlessness in life, Courage and Strength inside your heart, I will give you Shaktipath, I will take you with me on the path of Liberation/Moksha, the path to Realize Brahm!

Until then just live your life and do not preach any Lion!

~ Adiguru

Love from Beyond

Till the time we have human life and a human body, it will be about Relationship and Love. Here I am not talking about the emotional love that we know and I am not talking about the relationship from the social standpoint.

I am talking about Love from Beyond, Universal Love and Relationship that is Multi-Dimensional. When one is Enlightened or Self-Realized there is no capacity left to love anyone just emotionally or even unconditionally because "condition" to be "unconditional" will still be there, hence it makes no sense. We cannot play with words forever and fool ourselves.

Universal love is beyond the body, mind, emotions and beyond Soul.

    Source: The Web

Universal love starts happening at the level of Cosmos itself, there is nothing personal about it. It first draws your attention towards yourself and pushes you to become "whole", be the Universe yourself and realize your own true nature as a liberated, immortal being. Once that is achieved and you embody your divinity then it starts pulling you in its direction straight away to have the heart-on collision, yes not head-on, remember head was exchanged for divinity through Self-Realization process. The energy starts changing around you and since you are already in the state of Love-Bliss most of the time it is easy to notice, you can't miss it.

Universal Love accentuates energy on you and slowly you start accepting the possibility of a Multi-Dimensional relationship which earlier in life might have seemed like a fairy tale. Dance of energy around goes on for some time until you say "yes I am ready". Still, you don't know ready for what and ready for whom, but that's how life unfolds and you trust that divine unfolding process. Saying "yes I am ready" is the phase one of this Universal Love. The changes of energy are very tangible and suddenly your etheric body starts mingling with that Universal Love energy, without any focal point as another human, though yet.

Below is how it actually feels like emanating from the Heart Center.

    Source: The Web

Slowly you start adjusting to this energy emanating from you and being around you most of the time. It is overwhelming and could be physically tiring after a couple of days. You start living, breathing, walking into this Etheric field. It's too much to contain and it ends up spilling all around and you become the compassionate being. You start sharing that love with others. This is phase two for Universal Love energy that you are pushed towards.

Now gradually this etheric field starts changing its polarity. If you are male this energy feels like feminine and if you are female then this energy starts taking masculine polarity. This change is so subtle that you can't identify it so clearly, because once you are Enlightened or Self-Realized you lose your own gender/polarity too from your mind, being-ness has no gender, hence recognizing another doesn't come that easy. It still is a Dance of Universal love in your Etheric field and there is nothing personal about it. Day by day you learn to live with this and you kind of stay lost in it, it feels like a fragrance that is all around you, within and without, as such Enlightened and/or Self-Realized ones do not know what is within and what is without, it's all an Ocean of Infinity.

After few months from the Etheric body, energy starts getting all the way down to your other layers of the body and it starts getting little personal. You may start seeing the Visions of a man or woman, you may start feeling as if you are in an eternal embrace with them, and you may start living with them in your Multi-Dimensional form. Upon seeing and hearing through visions, you may skip a heart beat or may be stunned for few days or may end up smiling. Slowly it becomes a bond unknown, love unknown, relationship unknown. Unknown only in the worldly sense, it's very much known to you, to the core of your heart, to the core of your etheric body, to the core of your whole being, how to call it unknown anymore, it becomes more Real and Known to you than any real human being in flesh and bones around you. It becomes Reality at another dimension, yes it is the play/leela of Consciousness, but heck even the physical body, all layers of the body and even energy are that too. When anyways Leela is being played, let it be played in the best interest of the Universe. So no need to doubt it or confuse it with your Self-Realization and no need to create a boundary for you. Many Self-Realized ones were Kings, Queens and Lovers afterward. Consciousness chooses each one of us to play accordingly just like different sounds comes out of different musical instruments, though sound/naad is one and is OM and only Silence is being played in different gaps in the form of music.

                                Source: The Web

Remember you became Androgynous, Ardhnarishwara yourself through Self-Realization process, but if needed for fulfilling the divine will you can manifest the half opposite polar embodiment in the real life to stand by your side, to be with you and you both can change the world and serve the divinity together. Shakti can choose to manifest Shiva externally and Shiva can externalize his Shakti in real human feminine form. When two such whole beings are trying to do this, it is bound to come out as a reality on the relative plane with roots in Ultimate Truth.

Alternatively, you may choose to just live your Ardhanarishwara state as the way I have described it is how the embodiment of masculine and feminine polarities or Balance of both worlds feels like. Eternal Love and Romance goes on within you in Ardhanarishwara state, every bit of life around feels romantic, each expression of Consciousness feels utterly romantic. Divine glow of yours and charisma keeps everyone around you enchanted and be pulled like honey bees on flowers.

If Mother Consciousness is choosing you to manifest Universal Love in the human form, accept it as Divine Will, do not doubt it, question it and a real tangible person will be with you after enough vibrations have been synchronized for manifestation.

~ Adiguru

Universe is within you - Jagadhatri - Cosmic Mother

During my Self Realization days, when I as Pure Consciousness was in forever expansion, critical dispersion and I was going through the fear and pain of death, one day a strange thing happened. I was fearful, or you can say that last remaining I-Thought was fearful of losing itself, it's separate identity and I was sinking slowly in some very deep unknown beyond my mind's comprehension. I truly wanted someone to assure me that I am really not dying, while on the other side I really wanted to lose that battle and die for good, without knowing what may or may not happen as a result of this process, without being concerned whether I will be able to retain body consciousness or not afterwards. I was frantically looking for a sign or Guru or someone to tell me that "it's OK, it will be OK". Energy changes were torturous enough and my head felt like it will crack open.

In the midst of all this I sat quietly as if to meditate, and slowly saw myself expanding and becoming huge like entire Cosmos, and this expansion itself might have taken more than 30 minutes, as it seems like in total I was lost for more than an hour. Then I saw and felt all the planets rotating, revolving in me, around me, all mountains in myself, all rivers flowing within me, people, trees all around me, either I became the Entire Universe or we can say entire Universe was within me. I stopped breathing completely and lost all sense of "me as a separate entity". After an hour when I regained my senses, there was a very strong knowing that if I am the entire Universe then where can I go, what else can I be, what else can I not be? When did I not exist, where will I not exist? I am not leaving, I am not dying, not going anywhere because I do not exist anymore as I, I am the WHOLE, truly the Entire Cosmos I am, I never came into being as a separate entity and hence there is no question of death or departing of Soul to some other place.

This wasn't just a vision, this was the perception through my whole being. Afterwards, this new perception kept me going and I lost all resistance to my own death, death of last remaining I-Thought/Soul/Consciousness. This is what gave me so much inner strength that there was nothing else to question, neither the process, nor the energy, neither death nor birth. Fear and pains due to energy changes were still there, but deep within I was "with the" Self-Realization process. This perception of Universe within me was a major game changer for my spiritual journey.

Months after Self Realization it occurred to me that there is Goddess named Bhuvaneshwari, also called as Cosmic Mother, or Mother of Universe, or Jagadhatri who holds the Universe within. Did I see her, became her, who is there now to tell me that, but one thing is sure, Comic Mother helps us in the last lap of our journey to reveal us our own true nature, true form and that's how we finally lose all forms and sounds. Goddess Bhuvaneshwari when doesn't want us to see the truth we see her shadow side called "Maya/Ignorance/Illusion". With the blessings of this Shakti/Power the veil of Maya is broken and beings realize their true liberated immortal nature.

~ Adiguru

Goddess Kali - Ultimate Transformer

Since childhood I was intrigued by Goddess Durga and Goddess Kali. Goddess Durga felt like Superhuman Mother to me and later in life I learned that I carry Durga archetype personality myself. But Goddess Kali just amazed me and I felt the ferocity of her as a demon slayer when I looked at her deity but in a way I always felt I cannot understand her true presence. Her presence as Shakti meant for something else, that I had no idea about. I never felt fearful though. Whenever I saw wrong happening in this world around me, atrocities with children, women, men, and crime against humanity I felt rage inside me and that rage often gave me inner strength to stand up and face the challenges of life. Those were the times I remembered Kali thinking that is how she must have felt seeing demons wreaking havoc all around and that's why her pictures, deity looks ferocious. She protects the good ones and slays the demons. She herself is all Darkness and Blue in color and only Darkness can fight the darkness. Goddesses are certain types of Shakti/Power in themselves.

Later while going through my Spiritual Journey I realized that Kali is the feminine form of Kaal/Time and she not only slays demons, she also diminishes Time. She is the one who takes us beyond time and space. Those demons are nothing but our Ego Heads that we carry around. The skirt of hands that she wears is the Karma that she takes from us and frees us from all bondage. She is the giver of Liberation.

Recently it came to me that I want to know Mother Kali in her true form as a direct experience. I learned enough through books and all, now I wanted real experience of Mother, specially wanted to see her true picture to find out does she really looks ferocious. So I sat down closed my eyes and called her. Slowly I lost my body consciousness and there appeared dark palpitating energy of the size of the Cosmos surrounded by white milky way galaxy sort of. That black energy within was moving, breathing, living, contracting, expanding with a HUM sound and it felt as if it is me, or the sense of me being other than Mother Kali was not there, I couldn't see, feel where was me and where was The Mother. Clearly my sense of place, time was also not there, neither was my body or anything as me separate from her existed in that moment. Then started knowing as if that black moving energy engulfed by white was talking to me, and said "The Dark Nothingness that you fell into right before Self Realization was Me/Mother Kali, you fell in my lap, you fell into me". Moving, living, breathing black energy was now talking.

Then came a very strong wave of Love, just pure unconditional love and tears started rolling down my cheeks. Overwhelmed I opened my eyes and slowly came back to my senses, still overpowered by love which stayed with me, as me for next 2 days and I couldn't be stunned more by it's presence, presence of Mother Kali in me or as me. What I saw looked like picture above to an extent, except that white milky way galaxy was very thin around the periphery and dark/black palpitating energy was occupying the major portion.

It occurred to me that She is the transforming force/power/shakti, she is the one who took all my karma, she is the one who gave me liberation, she is the one who took me beyond time and space, she is the one who helped me stand up in life for anything wrong, she is the one who devastates what is not suppose to survive, she is there when my external breathing stopped. She is the destroyer of our Ego, she is the destroyer of useless thoughts, and in the end she is pure love, unconditional love and she doesn't look like how we portray her, she loves us unconditionally and she saves us from the mire of Maya.

Mother Kali is the Ultimate Transformer!

~ Adiguru

Play (Leela) by Consciousness

Consciousness reflects through in the form of the body, mind, and emotions and its play go on and on. As a result, one may achieve something in life and lose another and it seems like an endless play. No one ever seems happy and satisfied and the impermanence is the only permanence that one experiences. Life seems like a roller coaster ride. Regardless of how many lectures one gets, or knowledge one hoards about getting off of that roller coaster, only a few are able to make it safely, for most, it's a crash landing.

Is it anyone's fault?

At each and every step in life, we are exercising our choice. But the choices are often lead by inherent fears, attachments, and our need for more financial, emotional security which results in more suffering. Though to start with, those choices may be wrapped in a promising package. When life seems quiet the attention comes to Self, but that's what you all want to avoid and you go on planning and doing stuff which may not even be necessary, you make efforts to change the environment, circumstances, anything that's outside of you, and go on avoiding effort and time that is needed to change the inside of you. You want to make life happier by changing outer circumstances only.
Regardless of what choice we make, we are bound to suffer. But is the suffering really happening to the "Real You"? No, it is not. But damn it feels that way. There is no end to figuring out all the factors and be extra careful next time and all those negative, positive schools of thought. You can never save yourself permanently from the suffering, pain, you can only buy some time or actually waste time. The story is never ending. Why?

Because Pure Consciousness out of which this whole creation comes out is "never ending". Sea of Consciousness is Infinite and out of that comes out Infinite possibilities different realms, people, species, directions, dimensions, time, space and everything. Consciousness goes on playing forever through and as rocks, mountains, rivers, trees, animals, humans, angels, spirits and whatever else one can ever think of. There is no end to Experiencing and Knowing. There is no end to make life better by doing, doing, doing and knowing.

One must take a BREAK! For at least couple of years in life say "no" to external changes that unnecessarily involve you, prick your brain and in a long term vision of at least 10 years down the lane, seem sheer foolishness today. Take those couple of years to change the INSIDE of you instead, enhance the Quality of the Being who you are. Consciousness can play outward or inward, both are still the play of it, but through inward play, you stand a chance to achieve Peace, Bliss, and Love, your permanent states, your own immortality.

Once you turn inward, and someday find the "real you" through Self Realization, the play of Consciousness will still not end, but you will not be impacted by it. You will abide in Self, in Peace! After Self-Realization, Mother Pure Consciousness, Adi Shakti may choose to still keep playing through you as a Guru, or as Mr./Ms Unknown, or a Mystic or just a super ordinary person. it is not your choice, but you will not be affected. Earlier even though you were given choices, you still were not peaceful, so what is the point? Stop taking seriously outer circumstances and people in your life. Calm down and start your journey inward.

Later after Self Realization, Pure Consciousness will start the Cosmic Leela/Play through you in many ways!

~ Adiguru

Synchronization & Opening Heart Chakra/Center

Synchronization needs to be achieved within. What you feel is what you think, you are not having thoughts that deny or suppress your feelings, instead are true to what you are feeling, when you express those thoughts, your words are not masking your thoughts, your words are not giving another fake face or a different image to your thoughts, and when you are taking an action, it is exactly how your words are expressed. You are a person who stands for what you say. Alignment between emotions/feelings, thoughts, speech/words, and action is what is called as Synchronization within. The presence of Synchronization is an absence of "conflict". The absence of conflict means having a "quiet mind". Because mind will not have anything to process. Mind keeps working because there is a conflict within. In order to achieve the state of witnessing, the mind needs to be quiet. But can you sit in meditation or do pranayama whole day? No! You cannot do this. Then how do we quiet our mind? What is it that is "activating" the mind?

Conflict within! No synchronization between emotions, thoughts, words, and actions. You feel one thing, you think another, and you say completely different thing, and your actions are mere reactions.

Now how can one understand and start working towards Synchronization?


If you are an introvert, then you can skip the practice part of the Silence, though you can read it for knowledge. All ambiverts and extroverts need to read this and practice this. STOP TALKING is what I will say if I need, to put it bluntly. Stop expressing, talking and constantly chatting with one person or the other about "you" and your so called problems. Why? Because you are not in sync within yourself, and you are just putting up different faces in front of different people. All false/fake faces and images that you have built so far are being strengthened. It's not helping you, it's harming you. By talking, chatting you are channeling energy towards your mind and you are making yourself even more restless and anxious, even though temporarily you may feel bit relaxed. That's a false relaxation, which comes from all energy being consumed by your mind/aham/Ego/faces/images. It's not relaxation, it's energy drain through wrong outlets.

So strictly observe Silence for a week or more, so that feelings that you have inside starts bubbling up, and starts gathering like a Volcano that is about to erupt. Yes, take yourself into that state first. You keep chatting, talking and those feelings, that energy just keeps on erupting in bits and pieces instead of collected and funneled to open your heart chakra. If you are in a household setting, yes do talk about stuff that helps running the household or job and take care of kids, spouse etc. But do not talk about "how you feel, what is happening, what could be happening to you and blah blah blah. No talking about your feelings, emotions, thoughts, body, mind, energy at all for a week or more if you are a "slow cooker".


After a week or so, when it feels like you are about to blast and you start looking for something, feeling as if you need a break, or you need to run away to a far away place, you are restless, anxious, stressed beyond your limits, then sit down ALONE with a pen and paper in your hand. Notice "how" you are feeling? "What" emotions you have inside exactly? Pay attention to your feelings/emotions, whatever it is. You are not showing this to anyone else, so no need to be crafty and clever here. No need to deny if you are feeling shitty. It happens to all of us, and it's perfectly normal. Stay with your feelings for 10-15 minutes, just observe, no need to START Analyzing. No need to start thinking "why, how, why me, what is the purpose" kind of silly questions right now. Let it be just what it is. Now come up with ONE word, "pleasant" or "unpleasant" based off of how you felt during those 10-15 minutes and write it down on that paper. No need to write and define that entire bundle of different emotions that are bubbling up in you. Just write pleasant or unpleasant and we are done with the investigation of your emotions.

Now let's investigate your thoughts. What thoughts are you having right now? There may be something like this going on in your mind - Oh I am fine, I just need to take care of this, and that and everything will be OK, if I can do this and that it must be fine and everything will work. Or you may be having thoughts like - I do feel really shitty, and I don't know what it is, why do I feel that way, what do I do about it, I am not sure why I always feel this way inside, maybe there is something that I do not understand.

Now suppose through Emotional Investigation, you came up with one word as "Unpleasant". Then which line of thoughts above is in "sync" with your emotions/feelings? 2nd one! Which says - I do feel really shitty, and I don't know what it is, why do I feel that way, what do I do about it, I am not sure why I always feel this way inside, maybe there is something that I do not understand. We are done here with thoughts investigation.

Phone ringing! Yes, one of your friends is calling you, while you are busy with this Introspection. Well, consider yourself done, and pick up the phone. TALK!

How did you start the conversation? What did you say to your friend? Oh, I am fine, just busy with the mundane and what are the plans for weekend and blah blah, means all talks towards putting up a face in front of the world and talking bullshit again. Or did you start the conversation as - Hey I am not feeling good right now, I am just feeling really shitty inside, could you please give me few hours/days to put myself together and I will call you back. A close friend might say - Oh that's bad, tell me what happened, did something happened, or do you need my help? And you can simply say "No, I think I can handle myself, I will explain you later when I understand it, I don't know what it is right now, I would like to be left alone please". OK I understand, a friend might say, and that friend will leave you alone, else HANG UP. Yes, hang up, because the one who cannot leave you alone and cannot give you time to resolve within and take care of yourself is not a friend at all, instead a nosey person who is simply very interested in your personal business. Stay away from such people. And you need not tell that you are feeling bad within to just anyone and everyone, you can simply choose to not pick up the phone at all, or you can simply say I am busy, please call later. I am not talking about those cases where you do not pick up the phone, or you do not need to say how you feel within. I am talking here about a scenario where you do talk, then in that case, what exactly do you talk. And I do understand that sometimes we do have to put up a happy face, and occasionally doing that is OK, I am not talking about that occasional case here either.


Now let's say you identified your emotions/feelings as unpleasant and you found your thoughts to be aligned with your unpleasant feelings and your words/speech with your friend are also aligned with your thoughts. That means you are "in sync" and you will not waste your energy towards your mind. There is no conflict within. You will simply go for a walk, with or without music in your ears, or will get up and do gardening, or something that will change your emotional state in a healthy way and while doing something, you will get a resolution, an answer within as to "why" were you feeling the way you were feeling, you will suddenly understand all by yourself, while focusing on gardening, or walking or weather or anything that you might be doing. Within an hour or two or maybe four, or maybe in two and half days you will be perfectly fine, and would be happily talking to your friend and might be explaining him/her that now you understand why this happens, or what to learn from this or that.

Let's take an opposite example. Suppose you found that you are feeling unpleasant within, but you are having thoughts like - No this couldn't be true, I am not like this, I cannot be this way, this cannot happen to me, I am not going to let this happen to me, I will wreck this, that or blast here and there, I will fix this or that...nobody should know.. That means you are DENYING and NOT ACCEPTING what you are feeling. You are not at all loving yourself. You are denying the cry of your inner child. You are playing like a very strict, mental self-image bound master. You are being cruel to yourself. Or if you are having thoughts like - oh what if this unpleasantness is causing cancer to me, or what if I do this and it turns out to be that way, means your mind is IMAGINING WILD, it is creating FEARFUL thoughts in you, based off of your unpleasant feelings/emotions. That means you are OVER DECORATING your emotions and creating fears in you. Fears are nothing but mind's wild imagination. You are creating your own horror story. And by doing so, you are again being cruel to your inner child, you are trying to scare that poor inner child because she is feeling unpleasant, so next time she dares not to come up with anything unpleasant. You are not accepting "what is", instead, are putting energy towards "what worst could be". Whom are you scaring? Yourself! Why? Because you don't know how to deal with difficult emotions/feelings. But who doesn't know how to deal with unpleasantness? That fake/false image which your mind is putting up right now in order to deal with that. It's not YOU who doesn't know how to deal with that, it's that fake image that you have created to deal with yourself. If that fake/false image is creating fear, fire it from its job. Stop right there, do not imagine anymore, change your physical state, do something else, or just say a loud shut-up, or just say you understand the drama, and you are not going to buy it so that mind/aham/Ego/fake self-image stops churning more fearful thoughts. Anytime any thought arises which creates fear, or which makes you believe that you lack confidence, or that you are not self-sufficient, please fire this self-image. Recognize it, name it as "Weirdo, or Sicko" or something else, and whenever it starts doing this to you, just say to yourself "Oh Weirdo is up again, shut up now baby, I am not buying into your theories" and then don't pay attention for some time. Slowly you will have the power within, strength within and this "Ms/Mr. Weirdo" will not come back.

Within few weeks, or months, you will start having love towards your inner child, you will not deny or suppress your feelings, instead will acknowledge them for what and as they are. Once this happens that means your emotions/feelings are in Synchronization with your Thoughts.

Now next step is to synchronize Speech/Words with your thoughts. That means you must be speaking your mind at all times. What is it that stops you as of now from achieving this? Your 5-10-15 different Self-Images that you have created to show off to this world. Self-image as a Spouse, as a Parent, as an Employee, as a Son/Daughter, as a Brother/Sister, as a Friend and so on... When you speak your mind to any of these people, your relevant self-image comes up. You may be a chicken inside, but you may have put up a Bravo kind of self-image in front of your spouse/lover, and now no matter how many real fearful thoughts you may be having, your words will always be hiding the truth. You may have put up a very caring/loving face towards your parents/siblings/relatives, but within you, you may be harboring acute bitterness towards those people. So your words will always be full of seductive honey, while feelings and thoughts may be completely different.

You see here the point that I am trying to make. Your Self-Images are THE CONFLICT with your Heart/Emotions/Feelings/Thoughts. Why have such self-images which hide the Truth? What will happen if you speak the truth the way you feel it? What worse can happen? These people will go away, leave you alone. So what? If they truly love you, then they will understand your bitterness and will try to explain you, or change themselves. Otherwise, they are anyways not the people worth having in your life, so why worry? Keeping others in your life by constantly lying to them, hiding the truth from them is a WASTE of LIFE. Because this is exactly what is making you weaker and weaker. You are fearful to speak the truth because you are so much attached to your self-image. As it is said...Half Truth is a Whole Lie. Why live a life full of lies? You are not fooling anyone else, you are only fooling yourself. Change this. Start speaking truth, give up your attachment to your own self-images that you have built, shatter them nicely and be happy about it, because now you are FREE.

A person living in synchronization of feelings, thoughts, and words is a free person. Such a person has more energy left to run the life and such a person doesn't get sick with psychosomatic illnesses and seasonal allergies. The mind of such a person is free of useless thoughts, there is no conflict or turbulence within to shake him/her. This person is not living for and not living as any cleverly crafted self-centric, self-images of himself/herself. He/She is a happy, jovial being. Yes, many people may not like him/her, as this person is not a people pleaser anymore, he/she is brutally honest, but he/she wears the heart on the sleeve and have REAL HONEST friends, people around who truly value friendship or relationship with such a person. Who needs fake people around, based off of your own fakeness and lies?

If you attain Synchronization of feelings, thoughts, and words then no wonder your actions will be aligned accordingly too. Because not doing what you feel, think and say would feel like a very heavy thing. You will not feel right within, so actions will align themselves.

Synchronization is also called as "being true to yourself".

Once a person starts living in synchronization, he/she starts learning the lessons of life/death, lessons of love and Heart Chakra starts opening, flowering as a result.

All that I explained above in terms of Tantra is called as "Bhuta/Bhoota/Elements Shuddhi/Purification" or "Chakra Cleansing". Releasing fears are cleaning/purification of the Root Chakra or Element Earth. Recognizing and deleting false self-images and living your Truth with confidence is cleansing/purification of the Sacral Chakra or Water element. Strengthening the Will Power to release fears, and delete the false self-images to live your truth is the cleansing/purification of the Solar Plexus Chakra or Fire Element. Opening your Heart Chakra by living in Synchronization is part of purification of Air Element. Being truthful in speech/words that you speak not only to others but most importantly to yourself, is the purification of Space/Ether Element or Throat Chakra. In order to cleanse your chakras, or purify elements (Bhuta Shuddhi) a person can chant Bija/Seed Mantra for years and see if something happens. Or he/she can take charge of their life RIGHT AWAY, and start understanding everything. Because no matter how many years you chant Bija Mantras, or try to raise your Kundalini if Heart is closed nothing will work. Heart Chakra is the MOST important chakra and should be opened FIRST, before raising Kundalini or opening any other chakra. Heart Chakra is one chakra, which CANNOT be open by another person through any other means. Shaktipath or Kundalini Masters CANNOT and WILL NOT ever open your Heart Chakra. Shaktipath, Kundalini masters can raise your Kundalini and can give you more energy to increase the activity of your lower chakras, which will be "detrimental" to your progress if your heart chakra is closed.

Why can no one open your heart chakra?

Heart Chakra teaches us Self-Love. Until we truly start loving ourselves and start living a truthful life, we are not even Human, let alone be Divine. Heart Chakra holds ground for Human-ness and is the open sky for Divinity. Heart chakra teaches us Unconditional Love, Unconditional Surrender, and Unconditional Life. The heart chakra is the bridge between human and divine. That bridge is made up of FAITH. Faith in your own humanness and faith in the divine. Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Humanity and Divinity within.  Loving Surrender to humanity and divinity within. Without cleaning this bridge, this runway you are not going to fly anywhere baby.

Heart Chakra is also the one, which REFLECTS the SELF by embodying the Energy/Shakti in the form of Sat-Chit-Ananda when a person is Self-Realized. Heart Chakra is the one from where the INTENSITY of those 1000 petals of Crown Chakra shines through as 1000 people. Heart Chakra is the place which becomes a burial ground for "I-Thought", where I-Thought actually gets purified and shines forth as Pure Consciousness instead of Personal/Individual Consciousness. The Heart chakra is what embodies Bliss, Love, and Peace and lets it flow freely towards the humanity and divinity in all the others around. Its element is "Air", quality/virtue of which is "Freedom". Moksha/Liberation is felt through Heart Chakra only. That freedom is felt and expressed through heart chakra only.

Can anyone ever give you all of this from outside, through Shaktipath or through some other way?

No way! Do not fool yourself. If you are expecting all this to happen by itself, or through some outside force, then you are denying "that you are born as a human being". You are born as a human being to learn the lessons of Heart Chakra ONLY. All the other lower chakras are nothing but the Reflection of Open/Closed Heart Chakra. If you have Fear (Root Chakra), that means you "do not love yourself". If you are putting up self-images (Sacral Chakras), then that means you do not have Faith in your heart, and it means heart chakra is closed and the lesson to learn is "Faith". All the issues/blockages of 4 other elements/chakras are nothing but Reflection of Heart Chakra's State. All other chakras were given to you to see how your heart/heart-face looks like right now from different angels. All other chakras are the mirrors for Heart. If you are cleansing any lower chakras and dealing with issues of lower chakras that in other words mean you are learning the lessons of the heart chakra. After "theory of relativity" from Einstein, this is the "Theory of Reflectivity" from me (Laughter).

Love yourself, live in Synchronization within and rest will happen by itself, may it be an Enlightenment and/or Self Realization. Divinity will take care of itself, you take care of your own humanness and embody it in a healthy and loving way.


Presence of Self Realized one

Questioner: How does your presence, or connection to you through thoughts, speech or touch transform others? How does your energy effects others and how does it work? Will you take my negative energy, and convert it into positive, or will you give your positive energy to me? Why do some people get highly disturbed around you?

Prakriti: Let's understand the energy side of it first, so it's easy for you to grasp the entire concept. People around me are not the balanced ones, all of you have two polarities negative and positive in you. Sometimes you are driven by Negative, and sometimes you are driven by Positive. Or in other words, we can say you are driven by Imbalance. Driven by certain polarity or imbalance means, it impacts your Body, Mind, and Emotions in a certain way. It impacts your Energy Body (Etheric Body) and your Astral Body too, but since you are not in the direct experience of those two bodies, or layers/sheaths of your bodies, so you don't know what is happening there. But you can certainly notice the impact on your physical body, mind, and emotions when you are one way or the other. When you are driven by imbalance and Positive Energy is high in you, your physical body feels healthy, light weight, as if you can bounce around, no pains bother you, even if you have any. Under the influence of Positive Energy, your emotional state is calm, without much turbulence and you are full of love and kindness for everyone around. Through Positive Energy your mind is a little bit quieter and is not churning self-sabotaging thoughts at a crazy speed. But it's very difficult for you to maintain this state for long because after all, it's the projection of imbalance within you. Something may come up from your memory bank, experience closet, or someone around you may push your button and you will be doomed, sulking in Negative Energy again, as the imbalance will project the other side now. Why this up and down? Not because of the presence of Negative Energy in you. Not because Negative Energy exists in the first place. Nothing because of Negative Energy, like you go on blaming it for everything. It's only because of the ABSENCE of BALANCE in you. Negative and Positive both energies are "needed" for survival on the earthly plane. The problem is because of the missing balance. If the balance is there in you, then one or other will not impact your system, your body, mind, emotions, different layers of your body, instead, BALANCE will impact all this, Balance will DRIVE you, your life and your body systems. So in other words, you are being driven by IMBALANCE, and this Existence, Cosmos, or Prakriti (Me) is driven by Balance. In other words, this Existence, Prakriti (Me), Cosmos are Synonyms for BALANCED Energy/Power/Shakti. Balance also means UNIFICATION of the TWO POLARITIES, Negative and Positive. This principle of energy is similar to the Electricity used in your house. You can only light up a Bulb if the electricity is flowing with the balance of both polarities. Only Negative charge or Only Postive charge is of no use. When one says I am a totally positive person, know that he/she is bullshitting (Laughs). Only when one is balanced, one is of ANY USE for others, otherwise not. Depending upon "which polarity" is in ACTIVE state in you, you invite people, experiences that help you "notice & learn" from that. 

When you are Balanced, then there is nothing left to learn, then it doesn't matter if you are dealing with a Negative person or Positive person, it won't impact you at all. Instead, your Balance will impact them. 

So when someone is around me or connected to me via thoughts, speech/talking, or through touch, then my BALANCE is PROJECTED onto their IMBALANCE. Now the most important point here to understand is that it's NOT MY balance, or "Prakriti's balance", it's the Cosmic Law, Cosmic Balance, it's the Balance of Existence, it's the Balance INHERENT in Imbalance, it's the SELF, as all these are synonyms. Yea you get that, feel that through this physical body (my body), so you can say as if I am doing something, or that Prakriti's presence is impacting others, but in fact, it's the Presence of SELF which projects the Cosmic Balance. When SELF projects something, reflects someone, then there are no geographical boundaries, hence a person may be thinking about Prakriti (me) sitting thousands of miles away, still they will have an impact, because SELF is Boundless, Limitless, Infinite. 

Now let's discuss the most interesting part about it. What happens when Balance through me is projected on the Imbalance in you? 

If I give you the different size of weights and ask you to Balance the Scale, what will you do? You put some weight on the left-hand side, and right-hand side will go up, then you will put some on the right, then left might go up and by continuous up and down in some time you will be able to balance the Scale. Exactly in a similar way, when balance through me is projected on your imbalance your Scale starts going up and down. That too at a faster rate, because Balance is being projected on you. Earlier through other people, situations you were attracting Imbalance, either Positive or Negative charge/energy/polarity only, so the up-down movement of the scale was slower as you were dealing with one side of the scale at a time. But now the balance is being projected, hence at the lightening speed, your imbalance tries to come to balance. It may or may not come to Complete Balance, but movement/transition towards Balance will start taking place. 

Now in what all ways will you experience this movement of imbalanced scale within you? 

So the highest level of impact happens on your Energy/Etheric Body. And it impacts your physical, mental and emotional bodies. You may feel WEAKER physically. WHY? The NEGATIVE Energy which you have is being DRAINED now, flowing out now. But then why feel weaker? To understand this, let me cite an analogy. A person may feel as if his stomach is full when he is constipated and hasn't had a fair amount of excretion in a while. Is that "fullness" because of good food that one has eaten? NO. It's the fullness, bloating that comes from WASTE, excretory material stored in his system. But when that constipated one goes through good excretion, right after that he feels DRAINED, TIRED, as if he has lost energy. Mentally he feels satisfied knowing that waste is out of his system now. So after a while, he regains his strength, but it takes some time because a constipated person has to SPEND more Energy in throwing out that Waste. So in the similar way you all are energetically constipated, and when Negative Energy starts balancing itself, and the useless amount is being drained out, you feel physically weak. But only for some time, maybe 24 hours or so, and then you are back into your BEST if you haven't encountered any other imbalances.

While negative energy is being drained out from your Physical body, it is also being drained out from Mental and Emotional plane. So during this cleansing, balancing period, your mind may give you all sorts of crazy thoughts, thoughts that will make you restless, anxious, fearful, because that is what you have gathered and that's what you pushed under the rug, ignored safely while living life. But now your FALSE safety is challenged, the curtain, the rug is being pulled to see what's beneath that. And whatever is there will come out. So you may go out of your mind. (Laughs). In a similar way whatever hidden emotional pains you have harbored inside will come out too, especially the ones which were hidden 6 feet beneath the ground, the darkest ones which you NEVER wanted to face. Well now the ground is being dug and all that you buried is coming out. So you feel emotionally challenged, out of control during this period. Best thing to do in order to deal with this upheaval is to lie down, focus on breathing and just be the witness to what mind and emotions are bringing out, don't react. Just be a silent witness.

Why all this? To Balance you, Cleanse you, Heal you. Spiritual Healing happens by exposing the unhealed wounds, by bringing everything to the surface to address it. Once you address it, it will be gone, and you will feel lighter, happier, and energetic. At some level, you as a being will be transformed, balanced. Its' important that you stay in quiet for some time, you stay ALONE for some time, after you have been touched by me, in one way or the other. So you can address what is coming out of you, so you can close those chapters which are no longer part of your life, so you can spend some time learning from your own mind/thoughts and emotional turbulence that is happening. If you immediately rush back into your mundane life, then that touch, energy, connection through me will not be of much use. It will still transform you, but it won't be a Conscious Process for you. While the pursuit of Spiritual Journey is to learn to live Consciously. Higher the imbalance in you, more shaken, weaker, disturbed you will feel. But it's good to feel this way, as there are some which will NOT feel anything at all, as it's not their time, they are not in receiving condition at all. Depending upon what level you are at, the transformation in you will happen accordingly. 

So that's what happens! Staying around or in touch by any means with a Self-Realized one is a form of Sadhana in itself. It transforms you in one way or the other. This is the reason you are asked to live in an Ashram or place around Self Realized one. This is also the reason why Self Realized ones try to come in contact with lesser people and do not force anyone to be around them. As not everyone is ready to handle life Consciously at a higher speed.

I do not have an independent Negative polarity of energy in me to draw Positive from someone, something, neither do I have independent Positive in me, to draw Negative energy from someone or something. I cannot TRANSACT energy in One POLARITY or another.  I/SELF/COSMOS can only Project BALANCE onto the IMBALANCE. 

What is another word for this "Balance of Energy/Shakti/Power" or Unification of Polarities of Energy? Unconditional Love. What is another word for this "Imbalance of Energy/Shakti/Power" that you have within? The absence of Unconditional Love. So in other words, this Unconditional Love through me, flows towards you in a very powerful way to fulfill your existence, your space, so you no longer live in the absence, lack of it. So you love & accept yourself Unconditionally, the way you are without masking it. So you know you are deeply loved by me/SELF, by Divine, by yourself. That's how SELF works through this body that is there. That's how surroundings are transformed. 

That's what, how and, why SELF is and just is.

 सर्वेशां स्वस्तिर्भवतु ।
सर्वेशां शान्तिर्भवतु ।
सर्वेशां पुर्णंभवतु ।
सर्वेशां मङ्गलंभवतु ।
 शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Purnnam-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Mangalam-Bhavatu |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

May there be Well-Being in All,
May there be Peace in All,
May there be Completeness in All,
May there be Auspiciousness in All,
Om PeacePeacePeace.

Questioner: Is there a technique to Balance my energy?
Prakriti: Yes, there is a Technique to balance your energy. Whenever you are down with negative energy and mind starts running like crazy, then STOP, pay attention to what is it that mind is trying to show you. The ONLY way to push the mind aside 99% is by REMOVING ALL FEARS from within you. Until all your fears are gone, and you become fearless, the mind will NOT stop its craziness. When the mind is doing craziness, it's just trying to surface up some fear. Fears are nothing but strong Attachments. Fear and Attachment are two sides of one coin. Like Fear of Death is the Attachment to Body/Person/Personality. Until you give up that attachment in all forms body/person/personality mind will not stop, cannot be stopped. Once all mental/emotional issues are addressed, energy will Balance itself. Cleansing of Mental and Emotional plane is what balances the energy, and mental and emotional planes are the ones which SHOW you the imbalance in the first place. Mental and Emotional planes are OUTLET MALLS, where Factory stuff is being sold to Retail Customers. Means mental and emotional planes are the workspace for you to deal with Karma/Unconscious Mind Storage/Warehouse. Because there is no DIRECT access to that Unconscious Mind for you. Time to time mental thoughts and emotions SHOW you what you have inside since all lifetimes and whatever is not worth keeping, you have to discard that so that warehouse is clean and you can CLOSE your mental, emotional Outlet Mall.

~ Adiguru

Disciple, Devotee & Devotion

Oftentimes people use these words "Disciple, Devotee and Devotion" without understanding their true meaning. Without knowing the true meaning of these words, that which one is trying to achieve cannot be achieved, because in other words, one doesn't know what it means, to be a Disciple, or Devotee and what is Devotion. It's very easy for anyone to say "He is my Guru, She is my Guru, or I consider you my Guru, or I want you to be my Guru, or You are my Guru or that I am the Devotee of him/her". But until one is truly a Disciple, Guru can't be Guru, until one is in Devotion and becomes a Devotee, Guru/Self/Divine can't play their Role and transmit Wisdom, Shakti/Power in any way. So it's very important to understand what it means to be a Disciple, Devotee and what exactly is Devotion. Disciple or Devotee is a "receiver of wisdom, energy, life and everything", and it matters to understand what do we mean by "receiver" and then one can try to be a "good receiver", else it won't matter, it won't work, one will simply waste time.

All of you have the body, mind, and emotions and you also have lots of methods, philosophies, opinions, prejudices, experiences that you gathered, developed while living life. When you start walking Spiritual Path consciously or may it be a Corporate/Business Path, then you use all that you have. You utilize the body, mind, emotions, and everything else that I mentioned above in order to reach the goal. Spiritual Journey has Liberation as a Goal, Corporate/Business goal could vary from person to person, but there is a Goal that one has in mind, before embarking on any long, arduous journey. Now suppose while on your journey you realize that you are not going in the right direction, you are not making progress, you are not getting what you were supposed to get, you are not reaching anywhere, then you will start looking around, looking towards those who have successfully achieved the goal that you are trying to achieve. You will realize that you don't understand those things which are necessary for success, you will accept that you need guidance from someone. In other words, you will start looking for a guide, or a mentor.

As soon as you find such a Person/Guide/Mentor, you will reach out to him/her to clarify your doubts, you will try to gather knowledge from him/her, you will start sharing your concepts, philosophies, prejudices, experiences and even your decisions, so you can have his/her point of view. You will use Guide's/Mentor's perspective and YOUR MIND to pursue your journey. Regardless of Guide's specific instructions, you will end up doing, which you anyways had in your mind, you looked for Guide for validation, verification of your own mind, which you may get sometimes, and may not at other times. Now suppose after pursuing your journey with the help of Guide/Mentor, you still did not reach your goal, instead, you hit the major setback and you achieved nothing, lost time, energy, resources and your mind went NUMB. You felt clueless, as to how to proceed further, you hit a dead end and you find yourself completely in the dark. You struggled with this setback for some time and you finally ACCEPTED that it's not going to work through your mind. This acceptance helped you push your mind aside, and you started looking for a Guru.

When you found a Guru, you started listening and following his instructions PRECISELY. Your own mind stopped causing much resistance and whenever a doubt arose, you reached out to Guru and got the clarification. Even if you did not understand that at once, you had trust, faith that someday you will understand it completely. You placed your trust, your faith in the Guru, realizing that Guru won't misguide you and Guru himself/herself has reached that goal, which you are trying to achieve. This is who and what a DISCIPLE is. Disciple surrenders his mind, becomes no-mind and pushes his own experiences, philosophies, methods, prejudices, opinions aside, and keeps doing what Guru is asking to do. Even at times when you do not want to do, you keep doing it, because in the past you got burnt when you tried to use your mind. This is the stage where you are practicing the "Full Surrender of Mind", where you are implementing that, where you start living life with Surrendered mind. Time to time there will be resistance in you, but over the period of time, it will vanish and you will become truly a very good Disciple.

After few years of being a Disciple, slowly you start realizing that life is moving in the right direction, you crossed some major milestones without much problem and it's working, success is not too far. Realization of that started "opening your heart". Love started cultivating in you towards your Guru. Your faith, your trust now converted into Love. Now your own mind is totally out of the question, it doesn't create any resistance what so ever. You follow Guru's instructions out of love now. This is who and what a DEVOTEE is. A Devotee is the one with No-Mind and Open-Heart. A Disciple is Devotee in Making! Now that you are a Devotee and your Heart is Open, Guru doesn't need to instruct you using words, language. Guru can instruct you through Power/Shakti/Energy. Guru can transform you just by looking because you have become a ULTIMATE RECEIVER. Guru rarely talks to true Devotees, they just live around the Guru in complete Surrender, they understand each other without verbal communication, and they both LOVE each other. A devotee is ALWAYS thinking about Guru only, Guru becomes the "center" of Devotees life. The Devotee finds it painful when Guru is not around, or when he/she is not around the Guru. Love toward Guru starts becoming unconditional. Devotees ONE POINTED MIND is pointed towards the Guru and his HEART has nothing but Guru, devotion for Guru.

Now it gets very interesting. Because the end goal is Liberation, Liberation even from the Devotion towards the Guru, so Guru starts alienating himself/herself from the Disciple, this makes disciple go crazy. The more Guru sends him away from himself, the more heartburns disciple gets. Guru is not trying to torture or punish the Devotee here when Guru knows Devotee is madly in love with him/her, he is simply trying to TURN his Devotion towards SELF/DIVINE/GOD/Devotee himself. The more Guru keeps him away without even explaining the reasons, the more THAT FIRE of DEVOTION burns the Devotee. Devotee starts feeling longing so painful that slowly it becomes suffocating. Day and night devotee burns in this longing, suffers, cries his heart out, and is totally baffled as to what did he do wrong, so Guru is keeping him away, what mistake he made, he simply loved, he just want to love Guru and nothing else he wants in life, he doesn't even want liberation at this point, he wants his Guru's love only, he wants his Guru only and the fire starts going on and on and on inside the devotee. Now Devotion is the FIRE, and Devotee is ON FIRE! At this  stage another Guru can appear in Devotee's life to guide him/her and Devotee if is not ready for the next stage, then this Guru will start guiding. 

Slowly after much suffering through that longing and after much pain, there comes a time, when Devotee is ready to die. Devotee believes that he/she can't take it anymore, Guru doesn't love him anymore, Guru doesn't want him, Guru has abandoned him, then what's the use of this life, why am I still living? Such thoughts start taking the grip on the entire existence of this Devotee. Now Devotee turns towards GOD/Divine. At this stage if the Devotee has another Guru, then he/she reaches this stage through that Guru. Devotees' complete attention turns towards Divine, he/she starts looking towards Divine in order to get answers like, why did you even create me, why did you send me on this early plane, just to suffer? You also don't love me at all, my Guru doesn't love me either. Why did you do this to me? Do I exist? All such questions now Devotee starts asking from God/Divine. The pain, suffering, longing, fire in Devotee is so much that he actually FORGETS about GURU altogether, now the Focus, Attention, Question is about LOVE. The devotee wants to know if he/she is loved by God at all or not, if even God doesn't love him then one better die, what's the point in living such a life, where no one loves you. This suffocates the Devotee to an extent that he/she stops BREATHING externally, that Fire/Pranic Energy starts flowing from the Central Column, Sushumna Nadi and hits the Crown Chakra, Shakti unites Shiva. And that's it. That's when Devotee gets Enlightened/Awakened.

Now, this whole path from Guide to Guru and from being a Disciple to Devotee to Divine may not happen with a person in One lifetime. It may happen in several lifetimes. Also, ANYONE can play Guru for you, when you are ready, when you have renounced the world/mind. Self can play Guru through anyone who can kindle the fire of love, then unconditional love, then devotion. It happens that one ends up loving another person initially and slowly that love becomes unconditional and then that person goes away in one way or the other from one's life and longing starts and love becomes unconditional, the fire of devotion starts burning day and night, and ultimately one Awakens! Not ALL those who love the other unconditionally may arrive at this end, because one may still have not Surrendered completely, and may still have mind/world left to deal with, play with. One may still have Raga/Attachments, Asmita/Identities and other Sanskaras/Chitta-Vrittis left and as a result some Avidya/Agyan (lack of wisdom) within. 

Now based on the fact if you have surrendered your mind, renounced the world from your mind you become Disciple and Guru can play his Role and be the Guru for you. If you have become no-mind and your heart has opened in love, then you become the Devotee of the Guru and Guru can give you ALL that he/she has and can take you to the Ultimate! Based on your own level you can call yourself Disciple or Devotee or none of these. The same person can play Guide, Mentor or Guru or none of these, depending upon where you are in your journey of life. If you are NOT ready, you will never know that there is a Guru/Self/Divine around you, you will never be able to benefit yourself from the Guru/Self that you may have around unless you are READY! So to what extent you can receive from the Guru depends on upon YOUR CAPABILITY TO SURRENDER your body, mind, emotions, to your own journey, to your own goal. Because Self can play Guru through any person or even Stone if you are ready. Meera was the devotee of Lord Krishna and used to see him in the Stone Statue of him. Such is the power of Devotion and SELF/GURU.

You can learn to "live life properly" through a Guide or Mentor, but you cannot start and finish Spiritual Journey until you become a Disciple and then Devotee. It doesn't matter whether you are a Disciple or Devotee of any person or stone or everyone you meet, or the life itself. It's the state of No-Mind, Open-Heart and Fire of Longing is what works through different people, deities, Self/Guru/Divine and helps you reach the Ultimate!

~ Adiguru Prakriti