Showing posts with label Guru Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guru Series. Show all posts

Presence of Self Realized one

Questioner: How does your presence, or connection to you through thoughts, speech or touch transform others? How does your energy effects others and how does it work? Will you take my negative energy, and convert it into positive, or will you give your positive energy to me? Why do some people get highly disturbed around you?

Prakriti: Let's understand the energy side of it first, so it's easy for you to grasp the entire concept. People around me are not the balanced ones, all of you have two polarities negative and positive in you. Sometimes you are driven by Negative, and sometimes you are driven by Positive. Or in other words, we can say you are driven by Imbalance. Driven by certain polarity or imbalance means, it impacts your Body, Mind, and Emotions in a certain way. It impacts your Energy Body (Etheric Body) and your Astral Body too, but since you are not in the direct experience of those two bodies, or layers/sheaths of your bodies, so you don't know what is happening there. But you can certainly notice the impact on your physical body, mind, and emotions when you are one way or the other. When you are driven by imbalance and Positive Energy is high in you, your physical body feels healthy, light weight, as if you can bounce around, no pains bother you, even if you have any. Under the influence of Positive Energy, your emotional state is calm, without much turbulence and you are full of love and kindness for everyone around. Through Positive Energy your mind is a little bit quieter and is not churning self-sabotaging thoughts at a crazy speed. But it's very difficult for you to maintain this state for long because after all, it's the projection of imbalance within you. Something may come up from your memory bank, experience closet, or someone around you may push your button and you will be doomed, sulking in Negative Energy again, as the imbalance will project the other side now. Why this up and down? Not because of the presence of Negative Energy in you. Not because Negative Energy exists in the first place. Nothing because of Negative Energy, like you go on blaming it for everything. It's only because of the ABSENCE of BALANCE in you. Negative and Positive both energies are "needed" for survival on the earthly plane. The problem is because of the missing balance. If the balance is there in you, then one or other will not impact your system, your body, mind, emotions, different layers of your body, instead, BALANCE will impact all this, Balance will DRIVE you, your life and your body systems. So in other words, you are being driven by IMBALANCE, and this Existence, Cosmos, or Prakriti (Me) is driven by Balance. In other words, this Existence, Prakriti (Me), Cosmos are Synonyms for BALANCED Energy/Power/Shakti. Balance also means UNIFICATION of the TWO POLARITIES, Negative and Positive. This principle of energy is similar to the Electricity used in your house. You can only light up a Bulb if the electricity is flowing with the balance of both polarities. Only Negative charge or Only Postive charge is of no use. When one says I am a totally positive person, know that he/she is bullshitting (Laughs). Only when one is balanced, one is of ANY USE for others, otherwise not. Depending upon "which polarity" is in ACTIVE state in you, you invite people, experiences that help you "notice & learn" from that. 

When you are Balanced, then there is nothing left to learn, then it doesn't matter if you are dealing with a Negative person or Positive person, it won't impact you at all. Instead, your Balance will impact them. 

So when someone is around me or connected to me via thoughts, speech/talking, or through touch, then my BALANCE is PROJECTED onto their IMBALANCE. Now the most important point here to understand is that it's NOT MY balance, or "Prakriti's balance", it's the Cosmic Law, Cosmic Balance, it's the Balance of Existence, it's the Balance INHERENT in Imbalance, it's the SELF, as all these are synonyms. Yea you get that, feel that through this physical body (my body), so you can say as if I am doing something, or that Prakriti's presence is impacting others, but in fact, it's the Presence of SELF which projects the Cosmic Balance. When SELF projects something, reflects someone, then there are no geographical boundaries, hence a person may be thinking about Prakriti (me) sitting thousands of miles away, still they will have an impact, because SELF is Boundless, Limitless, Infinite. 

Now let's discuss the most interesting part about it. What happens when Balance through me is projected on the Imbalance in you? 

If I give you the different size of weights and ask you to Balance the Scale, what will you do? You put some weight on the left-hand side, and right-hand side will go up, then you will put some on the right, then left might go up and by continuous up and down in some time you will be able to balance the Scale. Exactly in a similar way, when balance through me is projected on your imbalance your Scale starts going up and down. That too at a faster rate, because Balance is being projected on you. Earlier through other people, situations you were attracting Imbalance, either Positive or Negative charge/energy/polarity only, so the up-down movement of the scale was slower as you were dealing with one side of the scale at a time. But now the balance is being projected, hence at the lightening speed, your imbalance tries to come to balance. It may or may not come to Complete Balance, but movement/transition towards Balance will start taking place. 

Now in what all ways will you experience this movement of imbalanced scale within you? 

So the highest level of impact happens on your Energy/Etheric Body. And it impacts your physical, mental and emotional bodies. You may feel WEAKER physically. WHY? The NEGATIVE Energy which you have is being DRAINED now, flowing out now. But then why feel weaker? To understand this, let me cite an analogy. A person may feel as if his stomach is full when he is constipated and hasn't had a fair amount of excretion in a while. Is that "fullness" because of good food that one has eaten? NO. It's the fullness, bloating that comes from WASTE, excretory material stored in his system. But when that constipated one goes through good excretion, right after that he feels DRAINED, TIRED, as if he has lost energy. Mentally he feels satisfied knowing that waste is out of his system now. So after a while, he regains his strength, but it takes some time because a constipated person has to SPEND more Energy in throwing out that Waste. So in the similar way you all are energetically constipated, and when Negative Energy starts balancing itself, and the useless amount is being drained out, you feel physically weak. But only for some time, maybe 24 hours or so, and then you are back into your BEST if you haven't encountered any other imbalances.

While negative energy is being drained out from your Physical body, it is also being drained out from Mental and Emotional plane. So during this cleansing, balancing period, your mind may give you all sorts of crazy thoughts, thoughts that will make you restless, anxious, fearful, because that is what you have gathered and that's what you pushed under the rug, ignored safely while living life. But now your FALSE safety is challenged, the curtain, the rug is being pulled to see what's beneath that. And whatever is there will come out. So you may go out of your mind. (Laughs). In a similar way whatever hidden emotional pains you have harbored inside will come out too, especially the ones which were hidden 6 feet beneath the ground, the darkest ones which you NEVER wanted to face. Well now the ground is being dug and all that you buried is coming out. So you feel emotionally challenged, out of control during this period. Best thing to do in order to deal with this upheaval is to lie down, focus on breathing and just be the witness to what mind and emotions are bringing out, don't react. Just be a silent witness.

Why all this? To Balance you, Cleanse you, Heal you. Spiritual Healing happens by exposing the unhealed wounds, by bringing everything to the surface to address it. Once you address it, it will be gone, and you will feel lighter, happier, and energetic. At some level, you as a being will be transformed, balanced. Its' important that you stay in quiet for some time, you stay ALONE for some time, after you have been touched by me, in one way or the other. So you can address what is coming out of you, so you can close those chapters which are no longer part of your life, so you can spend some time learning from your own mind/thoughts and emotional turbulence that is happening. If you immediately rush back into your mundane life, then that touch, energy, connection through me will not be of much use. It will still transform you, but it won't be a Conscious Process for you. While the pursuit of Spiritual Journey is to learn to live Consciously. Higher the imbalance in you, more shaken, weaker, disturbed you will feel. But it's good to feel this way, as there are some which will NOT feel anything at all, as it's not their time, they are not in receiving condition at all. Depending upon what level you are at, the transformation in you will happen accordingly. 

So that's what happens! Staying around or in touch by any means with a Self-Realized one is a form of Sadhana in itself. It transforms you in one way or the other. This is the reason you are asked to live in an Ashram or place around Self Realized one. This is also the reason why Self Realized ones try to come in contact with lesser people and do not force anyone to be around them. As not everyone is ready to handle life Consciously at a higher speed.

I do not have an independent Negative polarity of energy in me to draw Positive from someone, something, neither do I have independent Positive in me, to draw Negative energy from someone or something. I cannot TRANSACT energy in One POLARITY or another.  I/SELF/COSMOS can only Project BALANCE onto the IMBALANCE. 

What is another word for this "Balance of Energy/Shakti/Power" or Unification of Polarities of Energy? Unconditional Love. What is another word for this "Imbalance of Energy/Shakti/Power" that you have within? The absence of Unconditional Love. So in other words, this Unconditional Love through me, flows towards you in a very powerful way to fulfill your existence, your space, so you no longer live in the absence, lack of it. So you love & accept yourself Unconditionally, the way you are without masking it. So you know you are deeply loved by me/SELF, by Divine, by yourself. That's how SELF works through this body that is there. That's how surroundings are transformed. 

That's what, how and, why SELF is and just is.

 सर्वेशां स्वस्तिर्भवतु ।
सर्वेशां शान्तिर्भवतु ।
सर्वेशां पुर्णंभवतु ।
सर्वेशां मङ्गलंभवतु ।
 शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Purnnam-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Mangalam-Bhavatu |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

May there be Well-Being in All,
May there be Peace in All,
May there be Completeness in All,
May there be Auspiciousness in All,
Om PeacePeacePeace.

Questioner: Is there a technique to Balance my energy?
Prakriti: Yes, there is a Technique to balance your energy. Whenever you are down with negative energy and mind starts running like crazy, then STOP, pay attention to what is it that mind is trying to show you. The ONLY way to push the mind aside 99% is by REMOVING ALL FEARS from within you. Until all your fears are gone, and you become fearless, the mind will NOT stop its craziness. When the mind is doing craziness, it's just trying to surface up some fear. Fears are nothing but strong Attachments. Fear and Attachment are two sides of one coin. Like Fear of Death is the Attachment to Body/Person/Personality. Until you give up that attachment in all forms body/person/personality mind will not stop, cannot be stopped. Once all mental/emotional issues are addressed, energy will Balance itself. Cleansing of Mental and Emotional plane is what balances the energy, and mental and emotional planes are the ones which SHOW you the imbalance in the first place. Mental and Emotional planes are OUTLET MALLS, where Factory stuff is being sold to Retail Customers. Means mental and emotional planes are the workspace for you to deal with Karma/Unconscious Mind Storage/Warehouse. Because there is no DIRECT access to that Unconscious Mind for you. Time to time mental thoughts and emotions SHOW you what you have inside since all lifetimes and whatever is not worth keeping, you have to discard that so that warehouse is clean and you can CLOSE your mental, emotional Outlet Mall.

~ Adiguru

Disciple, Devotee & Devotion

Oftentimes people use these words "Disciple, Devotee and Devotion" without understanding their true meaning. Without knowing the true meaning of these words, that which one is trying to achieve cannot be achieved, because in other words, one doesn't know what it means, to be a Disciple, or Devotee and what is Devotion. It's very easy for anyone to say "He is my Guru, She is my Guru, or I consider you my Guru, or I want you to be my Guru, or You are my Guru or that I am the Devotee of him/her". But until one is truly a Disciple, Guru can't be Guru, until one is in Devotion and becomes a Devotee, Guru/Self/Divine can't play their Role and transmit Wisdom, Shakti/Power in any way. So it's very important to understand what it means to be a Disciple, Devotee and what exactly is Devotion. Disciple or Devotee is a "receiver of wisdom, energy, life and everything", and it matters to understand what do we mean by "receiver" and then one can try to be a "good receiver", else it won't matter, it won't work, one will simply waste time.

All of you have the body, mind, and emotions and you also have lots of methods, philosophies, opinions, prejudices, experiences that you gathered, developed while living life. When you start walking Spiritual Path consciously or may it be a Corporate/Business Path, then you use all that you have. You utilize the body, mind, emotions, and everything else that I mentioned above in order to reach the goal. Spiritual Journey has Liberation as a Goal, Corporate/Business goal could vary from person to person, but there is a Goal that one has in mind, before embarking on any long, arduous journey. Now suppose while on your journey you realize that you are not going in the right direction, you are not making progress, you are not getting what you were supposed to get, you are not reaching anywhere, then you will start looking around, looking towards those who have successfully achieved the goal that you are trying to achieve. You will realize that you don't understand those things which are necessary for success, you will accept that you need guidance from someone. In other words, you will start looking for a guide, or a mentor.

As soon as you find such a Person/Guide/Mentor, you will reach out to him/her to clarify your doubts, you will try to gather knowledge from him/her, you will start sharing your concepts, philosophies, prejudices, experiences and even your decisions, so you can have his/her point of view. You will use Guide's/Mentor's perspective and YOUR MIND to pursue your journey. Regardless of Guide's specific instructions, you will end up doing, which you anyways had in your mind, you looked for Guide for validation, verification of your own mind, which you may get sometimes, and may not at other times. Now suppose after pursuing your journey with the help of Guide/Mentor, you still did not reach your goal, instead, you hit the major setback and you achieved nothing, lost time, energy, resources and your mind went NUMB. You felt clueless, as to how to proceed further, you hit a dead end and you find yourself completely in the dark. You struggled with this setback for some time and you finally ACCEPTED that it's not going to work through your mind. This acceptance helped you push your mind aside, and you started looking for a Guru.

When you found a Guru, you started listening and following his instructions PRECISELY. Your own mind stopped causing much resistance and whenever a doubt arose, you reached out to Guru and got the clarification. Even if you did not understand that at once, you had trust, faith that someday you will understand it completely. You placed your trust, your faith in the Guru, realizing that Guru won't misguide you and Guru himself/herself has reached that goal, which you are trying to achieve. This is who and what a DISCIPLE is. Disciple surrenders his mind, becomes no-mind and pushes his own experiences, philosophies, methods, prejudices, opinions aside, and keeps doing what Guru is asking to do. Even at times when you do not want to do, you keep doing it, because in the past you got burnt when you tried to use your mind. This is the stage where you are practicing the "Full Surrender of Mind", where you are implementing that, where you start living life with Surrendered mind. Time to time there will be resistance in you, but over the period of time, it will vanish and you will become truly a very good Disciple.

After few years of being a Disciple, slowly you start realizing that life is moving in the right direction, you crossed some major milestones without much problem and it's working, success is not too far. Realization of that started "opening your heart". Love started cultivating in you towards your Guru. Your faith, your trust now converted into Love. Now your own mind is totally out of the question, it doesn't create any resistance what so ever. You follow Guru's instructions out of love now. This is who and what a DEVOTEE is. A Devotee is the one with No-Mind and Open-Heart. A Disciple is Devotee in Making! Now that you are a Devotee and your Heart is Open, Guru doesn't need to instruct you using words, language. Guru can instruct you through Power/Shakti/Energy. Guru can transform you just by looking because you have become a ULTIMATE RECEIVER. Guru rarely talks to true Devotees, they just live around the Guru in complete Surrender, they understand each other without verbal communication, and they both LOVE each other. A devotee is ALWAYS thinking about Guru only, Guru becomes the "center" of Devotees life. The Devotee finds it painful when Guru is not around, or when he/she is not around the Guru. Love toward Guru starts becoming unconditional. Devotees ONE POINTED MIND is pointed towards the Guru and his HEART has nothing but Guru, devotion for Guru.

Now it gets very interesting. Because the end goal is Liberation, Liberation even from the Devotion towards the Guru, so Guru starts alienating himself/herself from the Disciple, this makes disciple go crazy. The more Guru sends him away from himself, the more heartburns disciple gets. Guru is not trying to torture or punish the Devotee here when Guru knows Devotee is madly in love with him/her, he is simply trying to TURN his Devotion towards SELF/DIVINE/GOD/Devotee himself. The more Guru keeps him away without even explaining the reasons, the more THAT FIRE of DEVOTION burns the Devotee. Devotee starts feeling longing so painful that slowly it becomes suffocating. Day and night devotee burns in this longing, suffers, cries his heart out, and is totally baffled as to what did he do wrong, so Guru is keeping him away, what mistake he made, he simply loved, he just want to love Guru and nothing else he wants in life, he doesn't even want liberation at this point, he wants his Guru's love only, he wants his Guru only and the fire starts going on and on and on inside the devotee. Now Devotion is the FIRE, and Devotee is ON FIRE! At this  stage another Guru can appear in Devotee's life to guide him/her and Devotee if is not ready for the next stage, then this Guru will start guiding. 

Slowly after much suffering through that longing and after much pain, there comes a time, when Devotee is ready to die. Devotee believes that he/she can't take it anymore, Guru doesn't love him anymore, Guru doesn't want him, Guru has abandoned him, then what's the use of this life, why am I still living? Such thoughts start taking the grip on the entire existence of this Devotee. Now Devotee turns towards GOD/Divine. At this stage if the Devotee has another Guru, then he/she reaches this stage through that Guru. Devotees' complete attention turns towards Divine, he/she starts looking towards Divine in order to get answers like, why did you even create me, why did you send me on this early plane, just to suffer? You also don't love me at all, my Guru doesn't love me either. Why did you do this to me? Do I exist? All such questions now Devotee starts asking from God/Divine. The pain, suffering, longing, fire in Devotee is so much that he actually FORGETS about GURU altogether, now the Focus, Attention, Question is about LOVE. The devotee wants to know if he/she is loved by God at all or not, if even God doesn't love him then one better die, what's the point in living such a life, where no one loves you. This suffocates the Devotee to an extent that he/she stops BREATHING externally, that Fire/Pranic Energy starts flowing from the Central Column, Sushumna Nadi and hits the Crown Chakra, Shakti unites Shiva. And that's it. That's when Devotee gets Enlightened/Awakened.

Now, this whole path from Guide to Guru and from being a Disciple to Devotee to Divine may not happen with a person in One lifetime. It may happen in several lifetimes. Also, ANYONE can play Guru for you, when you are ready, when you have renounced the world/mind. Self can play Guru through anyone who can kindle the fire of love, then unconditional love, then devotion. It happens that one ends up loving another person initially and slowly that love becomes unconditional and then that person goes away in one way or the other from one's life and longing starts and love becomes unconditional, the fire of devotion starts burning day and night, and ultimately one Awakens! Not ALL those who love the other unconditionally may arrive at this end, because one may still have not Surrendered completely, and may still have mind/world left to deal with, play with. One may still have Raga/Attachments, Asmita/Identities and other Sanskaras/Chitta-Vrittis left and as a result some Avidya/Agyan (lack of wisdom) within. 

Now based on the fact if you have surrendered your mind, renounced the world from your mind you become Disciple and Guru can play his Role and be the Guru for you. If you have become no-mind and your heart has opened in love, then you become the Devotee of the Guru and Guru can give you ALL that he/she has and can take you to the Ultimate! Based on your own level you can call yourself Disciple or Devotee or none of these. The same person can play Guide, Mentor or Guru or none of these, depending upon where you are in your journey of life. If you are NOT ready, you will never know that there is a Guru/Self/Divine around you, you will never be able to benefit yourself from the Guru/Self that you may have around unless you are READY! So to what extent you can receive from the Guru depends on upon YOUR CAPABILITY TO SURRENDER your body, mind, emotions, to your own journey, to your own goal. Because Self can play Guru through any person or even Stone if you are ready. Meera was the devotee of Lord Krishna and used to see him in the Stone Statue of him. Such is the power of Devotion and SELF/GURU.

You can learn to "live life properly" through a Guide or Mentor, but you cannot start and finish Spiritual Journey until you become a Disciple and then Devotee. It doesn't matter whether you are a Disciple or Devotee of any person or stone or everyone you meet, or the life itself. It's the state of No-Mind, Open-Heart and Fire of Longing is what works through different people, deities, Self/Guru/Divine and helps you reach the Ultimate!

~ Adiguru Prakriti 

Ramana Maharishi & Spiritual Gymnasts

Lots of people in the West, seem very fascinated and mentally delighted reading, discussing Ramana Maharishi's teachings, Papaji, Annamalai Swami, Laxamana Swamy's teaching. They all seem highly enthusiastic about discussing various topics, especially the Descriptions of Self and Role of Guru and what they spoke on matters related to Tapas, Sadhana. These people love to dissect all this endlessly and try to churn out the SELF out of these teachings itself. (Laughs). And they believe this is the "way to know the Self and they know the Self". They mistakenly think they are on the path of Jnana Yoga. The moment such people see, or meet or read about any Jnani/Self-Realised one, immediately they will try to ask questions, only to, later on, compare in their mind with what they understand about Ramana Maharishi or other Jnani's of those times. Finally through all this, their mental fascination with Ramana Maharishi and/or other Jnani's will be re-cemented, reaffirmed. And that's it. They will keep on living for years, decades in this mental fascination and will not leave a chance to discuss, dissect even further.

This is utter "bullshit". This is pure "nonsense". NOTHING is being achieved by doing this. Translating, Spreading, Authoring the teachings of Jnanis is a noble thing to do, but endless discussions, dissections, comparisons, and analysis are of NO USE at all for ANYONE on this planet. This is nothing but Spiritual Fanatism. Through all this analysis, the real teachings of Jnani stay only in the mind, they DO NOT open Heart to make one Open enough, Capable enough to be able to practice those teachings.

What could be helpful out of all this drama? That one learned about the teachings. But those teachings needs to be applied to the life. Where is that "application" part? Ramana Maharishi taught Self Enquiry. Who will do it? Knowing about Self Enquiry is one thing, and actually doing Self Enquiry is totally another feat. 99% of the people, first of all, DO NOT understand Self Enquiry, no matter how much mental gymnast they are about it, No matter how well they can speak about it, no matter how perfectly they have memorized it, no matter how good their mental representation and knowledge about it is. WHY?

One of the MAJOR mistakes that these brainy people often make is, they forget "TO WHOM" these teachings are applied? WHO should follow Self Enquiry? WHO can do it? WHO cannot do it? That part is the MASTER KEY, which of course ONLY a Jnani will have. Many people visiting Ramana Maharishi & his Ashram were not able to do Self Enquiry and they were NOT asked to do so. Till date just by reading those books and everything He said about Self CANNOT be followed by just ANYONE/EVERYONE. People need to understand that teachings are often specific to the person or a group of people ONLY. Not ALL teachings by the Jnani can be followed by MASSES in General. Don't treat them like Vitamins or Health Supplements, they are prescription medsIs everyone fit to do Kriya Yoga? Is everyone READY to Surrender out of LOVE to SELF and follow Bhakti Yoga? Can anyone start right away from Jnana Yoga? No, No, No.

Try attempting Self Enquiry, the way Ramana Maharishi taught. If you are successfully able to ACHIEVE that state from where Self Enquiry happens, and if you are truly able to do Self Enquiry uninterrupted for 24 hours, I will INFUSE you with SHAKTI and will GIVE you ENLIGHTENMENT.

Why are you NOT able to do it? Simple, because YOU HAVE NO IDEA what that is? You think you understand what Ramana Maharishi was teaching, but you don't. You have no idea what he meant? You can verbalize it, you can memorize it. But you cannot do it. You have no practical, direct knowledge of the subject matter. Talking about how to ride a bike when you actually have never climbed any is different than talking about it as a bike rider. If you have ever tried to do it, you very well know what I am talking about here. Self Enquiry can only happen when one has RENOUNCED the World. And where is the World? The World is in your MIND. So in other words when one has Renounced the Mind, only then he can practice Self Enquiry. And this is not the only decision-making factor as to who can do it and who cannot, there are many many other factors as well. So who is able to renounce his/her Mind? The one who is NOT doing ANY mental gymnastic. The one who is NOT indulging in dissection, and discussions of teachings by the Jnani. Anyone who is really sincere about Self Enquiry will not indulge in any such thing. Those who do are not more than the Sports spectators, or TV/News/Media/Social Media addicts. And then it doesn't matter whether you entertain yourself through Spiritual Talks or Political discussions. There is no difference between the two. Spirituality is NOT about mental or bookish knowledge. Knowledge of Self is attained ONLY by trying to do what those Jnani's taught or did themselves. By reading the teachings of Buddha, you will become Buddhist, you will NOT become Buddha. By doing what Buddha himself did, you can be another Buddha. So the choice is yours! You can stay stuck in your mind by mentally learning all ABOUT SELF, or you can actually BE THE SELF.

Ramana Maharishi once said "There is no need for any effort for Self to be Realized, awakened, enlightened. After all, who makes an effort to be awake every morning, it happens itself" (something like this, I am not quoting exact words here). Many people misunderstood this teaching and actually did nothing. (Laughs)

Yes, they thought all will happen by itself after all Ramana Maharishi said that. Poor folks neither they found Self, nor Enlightenment, and lost a life, time too.

Now many of these Spiritual Gymnasts will say that "we are fine, just talking about it, and we don't want to take it further". But this is highly contrary to their desires of staying around Jnani's, their teachings, and spiritual experiences that they had. They could have been News Reporters, or Fiction writers, or anything else, why Spiritual Teachings and Jnanis? Now one can say, it must be their Karma without even understanding what Karma is. All this is not true. What these people do not understand and admit is that it's the pull of SELF in them, that keeps them around such things but they are not making full use of it. When it comes to efforts from their side, they find it difficult to leave attachments of mind. Mind and Mental Gymnastic is nothing but a Safety Net for you. And you are fearful of removing that safety net. But trust me, it is not that difficult, it is not the death of who you are, and that's what ALL Jnani's were, are trying to explain.

This is a really sad state of affairs, that many are just into the pursuit of dissection & discussions about Jnana, rather than in the pursuit of being a Jnani. Spirituality and Spiritual Journey has turned into an Entertainment Industry here in West, due to all these mental gymnasts who keep writing, blogging, talking endlessly to dissect and discuss such topics. This is what is called as "Blind leading a Blind". People need to stop being fascinated by all this, and should actually try to directly experience it, to KNOW it. Knowledge means "direct experience", not mental memorization and analysis. Such blogs, discussion forums are nothing more than "bored housewives club" as per modern times, where few bored housewives gather to discuss the one who is not present there and show each other what designer stuff they own. These Spiritual Gymnasts are doing the same. Ramana Maharishi is the one who is not present and they are talking about him, his teachings, and they are showing each other what extra bookish knowledge they have regarding Spiritually Designer stuff.

All such Spiritual Gymnasts call themselves "Devotees" of Ramana Maharishi or other Jnanis of those times. And the very word "Devotion" is what they do not understand at all, and lack! If Ramana Maharishi would have been living to see all this, he would have been seriously sad and mad about all this. Any Jnani will have a similar response to such things. No Jnani stops anyone to spread his/her teachings, but if you keep doing just that, then he/she might spank you because the end goal of you being around a Jnani is NOT to become his Spokesperson, but to Realize Self. Jnanis/SELF/Divine/God doesn't want you to preach about them, that's called "Religion", instead they want you to BE THE JNANI/SELF/DIVINE/GOD yourself. All of you who are Spiritual Spokesperson of Ramana Maharishi or Jnani's of those times, you have already spent 3 or 4 decades doing just that. That's good enough Service. Now is the time to understand everything in the right perspective, because many of you are in the last decade of your life, so better at least "have a longing & detachment from your mind" before you leave your body. That longing will help you take another human body faster, and Realize the Self sure shot in Next Body/Life.

To all mental gymnasts: The day your Intellect Awakens and you realize your mistake, you can start doing what Jnanis themselves did. Pick anyone of them from this planet, and follow the footprints.
Or May Ramana Maharishi spank you really hard! (Laughs).

~ Adiguru

Shakti - The Divine Feminine

Shakti is Divine Feminine principle. What is meant by Feminine principle? Feminine principle manifests as Life, in Universe as the power of creation, power of manifestation, its Energy that takes forms and shapes and is experienced as light and sound. At a much grosser level or physical plane, Shakti manifests as Emotions in us. At physical plane, Masculine principle, Shiva manifests through Feminine principle (Shakti) as Mind. When we talk about Shiva alone, we are talking about Un-manifest, which cannot manifest on its own and needs Divine Feminine, Shakti to manifest as Mind in us. Feminine principle, Shakti is the power to manifest but needs direction from the Masculine principle mind, which in the first place, is her first gross manifestation which is experienced by all of us on day to day basis. Shakti the feminine principle is regarded as highly important, because without it, one can never transcend this mundane world experience, and Be Shiva! Shiva can become one's reality only when Shakti unites Shiva. One has to let the Shakti flow through one's existence without resistance.

All of us have Masculine and Feminine principles, and energy within us in different ratios. It's not necessary that Male bodies have a more Masculine principle (Mind) and Female body is made up of more Feminine Principle (Emotions), it usually appears that way, because our first perception comes from looking at a physical body, whether it is male or female. As human beings we all are made up of same emotions and our mind (Manas, Buddhi, Chitta, Aham) also functions in a similar way. Between Mind and Emotions, it's not about which one is more important or higher, it's the BALANCE between the two which we strive for. A person may have really intense emotion, but the flow may be restricted because of a chaotic mind. Another person may have a well-balanced mind, but the emotional intensity may not be enough, to experience something beyond. We need both functioning in harmony, in balance. Masculine and Feminine should be balanced within, should work in an Integrated Fashion within us to be able to experience the Integration at an existential level.

Due to the abuse of Power/Shakti by many priestesses in ancient times throughout Egypt, Europe, men were forced to create a patriarchal society to protect themselves, and all practices, path, knowledge related to Shakti were condemned, to the extent that today, we are not even allowed to show our emotions freely. It is considered as a sign of weakness. Matriarchal and Patriarchal both worlds have seen enough suffering due to polarity and NOW is the time for "integration" of both principles. Again and again, it is proven that it's only the harmony between the two, an integration between the two that can be used as a ground to breed healthy spirituality,  be THAT/Brahm and later let Shakti flow as Bliss, Love, and Peace in all expressions of life. But that integration has to happen "internally" first before something can be done in the external world. Change has to happen within in order to manifest the same change in the outer world.

Many people live life with mind over heart, while many others wear their heart on their sleeve, regardless of whether they are male or female. Many times females encounter difficult male personalities in life, and many times males encounter difficult female personalities in life. At times it's a reflection of our own IMBALANCE between Masculine and Feminine principles/energy within us.

I have met men who are scared, tortured due to emotional and/or mental manipulation and abuse by females. Usually such men have higher feminine principle within in comparison to their own Masculine principle/energy, and they are finding it hard to integrate within, as society, world taught them otherwise, like they should not cry, they should love using their mind, and be calculative, analytical in every aspect of life, as they are Male. Men were taught, "Be a Man", which meant HIDE your emotions at all cost. They were taught that display of emotions means being vulnerable and is a sign of weakness and femininity. Yes, being vulnerable means being in a "receiving" mode, but from the Divine, from the Universe, from the Shakti. They were taught that display of logical, rational mind is being a Man. Many men constantly are in a struggle with their own feminine energy/principle and end up "suppressing" emotions, in other words, end up "suppressing Shakti", the flow of Shakti is obstructed in them. Until and unless these men go against what society has taught them, they cannot achieve unobstructed flow of Shakti in them, until then their Mind will end up posing challenges, resistance to the natural flow of emotions. The one who is on the spiritual journey consciously has to at times go against social and moral codes, rules, as he/she is trying to live, follow Universal Codes/Rules.

I have met women who are scared and tortured due to physical, mental, emotional manipulation and abuse of power by men. Due to a long suppression and abuse era, women have revolted to that and have adopted more mental ways. She is expressing herself more and more into the arena of mind, through jobs, education, and everything. Society became patriarchal, and did not respect the Feminine principle, and has turned the woman into more of a high masculine principle, which goes against her nature at times. She has been taught to be tough, to be able to manage her emotions through the proper use of the mind. She has been taught to be Independent, and discard, eliminate men if not needed. Abuse of power has happened on both sides. Females started cultivating, nurturing more of a Masculine Energy within, so they do not have to depend on Males for that, and they do not have to be in mental, emotional and physical slavery.

All this has caused a great deal of imbalance on the Planet Earth in terms of Energy. Female bodies are naturally high in Feminine principle, and male bodies are naturally high in Masculine principle. Though this is not the case 100% of the time. The physical body is the resultant of the defining principle within. And it's not a limitation, instead, it's a tremendous power given to us. Though people end up treating it as if Feminine principle/Emotions are limitations, are hurdles that one has to cross, and when they start walking spiritual path consciously, they start struggling with the Masculine principle/Mind. None of these two are challenges, instead are our support, tools to cross the mire of Maya. Earth is the largest living being when Earth lets the seed grow into the plant when it nourishes life then it's Feminine principle is in working, when it grows mango tree from the mango seed, that intelligence is Masculine principle in working, when there are storms, thunder and all that's the process of attaining Balance. Earth actually is Androgynous being. When we as humans want to connect to its life nurturing aspect, we refer to it as Mother Earth, as that's what our physical/gross existence survives on and that's where it will go back. Akasha/Ether that surrounds earth and is the binding principle for humans is referred to as Father who seeds and oversee our existence as human beings. In order to invite grace from the Father, one must approach the Mother first, as it's easier that way. How many times in life you reached out to your mom in order to get approval for something from your dad. You found it easier in life to reach out to your mom and let her convince dad. I am referring to mom here as the one who is more emotional, and dad to the one who is more mental, regardless of their physical body/gender. Similarly, in order to finish the spiritual journey faster, balance and master the Feminine principle within (Emotions, Bhakti Yoga) and then Father principle (Mind, Jnana/Gyan Yoga) will automatically settle for you in the best possible way.

Now if you see clearly "within" it's NOT at all a problem or tussle between Male and Female as a gender. It's a tussle between "Mind" and "Emotions". Though externally in the world, society it appears to be a problem between male and female. When Mind/Masculine principle becomes chaotic, it resists the natural flow of Shakti. When Emotions/Feminine principle becomes chaotic, Shakti's flow hits the dam. The point is "balance" is needed.

Regardless of the physical body, a Yogi/Jnani/Self Realized one is neither a male nor female, a Guru is not male or female, Divine is not male or female, they are "integration/union" of masculine and feminine both principles. They are above & beyond the plane of duality. Shakti is in Union with Shiva in such beings and their energy is Androgynous/Ardhanarishwar. When you are near to such beings, depending upon which principle is more dominant or disturbed in you, you will feel the Yogi/Jnani/Divine's gender/energy as that. If you are in balance within yourself, then you will not even pay any attention to the gender/physical body/energy principle of such beings. Only the imbalance in you will lead your attention towards that. Next time pay attention when you find yourself pondering, oh He is a male Guru/Jnani, or that She is a female Guru/Jnani, putting male or female before Guru/Jnani seems totally wrong. (Laughs)

Shakti/Emotions when flows freely without encountering any resistance from Mind ends up "being LOVE". Love which is unconditional, love which doesn't abide by the rules of the society, the world. Love which knows no boundaries. Pure Shakti is nothing but a free-flow of Love, its wild, it's very hard to contain, its romantic, it's sensual, it's sexual, and it expresses itself in the utmost wildest way if allowed. Which of course is not what society taught us in order to maintain the order. Though it doesn't harm the beholder or anyone else, but no one knows that fact. It only helps us transcend. But society suppresses the free-flow of love, and hence the free flow of life.  How can you feel true love, devotion with tens/hundreds of social rules in mind? Does true love/devotion ever happen within the boundaries of society? Then Radha, Krishna, Meera, Rumi, and lot many others may not have happened. And much more even wouldn't have been Self Realized through the path of Bhakti and Jnana Yoga. Then these two yoga paths should be discarded, right? Because these two often times go against and beyond the boundaries of logical/rational/socially conditioned mind. Because Yog/Union is an expression, manifestation of Shakti, the Divine Feminine.

One can feel or express that free flow of Shakti as love towards nothing, or towards another human, or animal, or flowers, or Divine, anything/anyone can reflect that free flow of Shakti through you. When Shakti encounters resistance from the mind, its natural flow/path is obstructed and one feels fearful. That fear can manifest in different areas of life and that's what is called as "blocked" Muladhara/Root Chakra. Fears are nothing but mental resistance to the Nature of Life, to the natural flow of Shakti. Fears are created by the Mind, as Mind doesn't want to go against the world, society as is known to it, the mind doesn't want to go beyond the boundaries it has created all through the life. The mind doesn't want to be judged by others and goes into the self-preservation mode of its several Identities that it has created by learning the rules of the society, world. The disturbed or chaotic flow of Shakti is Ignorance, Maya.

You can look deeply within to find out, what emotional patterns/constructs are blocking the natural flow of Shakti in you, and using the right knowledge, knowledge of Truth, Universal Laws, you can change the patterns and be free from blockages & fears. Once you start changing the patterns grace dawns by itself to help you. Grace depends on how honest you are with your own efforts in eliminating the chaos and attaining the balance, and how much emotionally attached you are to your own different personalities/identities/social images/conditioning of your own mind. Understand that blocked emotions create the useless mental pattern. Our personality is part of Mind, but our attachment to it is Emotional. Emotions need to be taken care of and balanced first in order to purify the Mind. At times one wants to remove such patterns, but the moment it comes to the total annihilation of identities, one chooses otherwise and clings to them. And it becomes the story of wanting to cross the river on foot but doesn't want your feet wet. So just ponder within yourself, how long it will take you to understand that foot will be wet, all identities, social images, personal images, personalities will be dead in the process of Awakening the Shakti within you, Embodying the Shakti in a clear-cut, unobstructed way. What will it take for you to have faith that merger of mind (Masculine principle) with emotions (Feminine principle) will take you towards Divine, Divine Love?

Jnani/Self Realized one's overflow with this very same Love, Bliss, and Peace, which are nothing but the dance of Shakti in their existence, which is in Union with the Universe (Manifest & Un-manifest).

Let the Shakti Flow! Let all bow down to Shakti, Divine Feminine! Let all find Union within!

~ Adiguru

Longing & Belonging

That painful sweet Longing that arises slowly inside, and burns the fire of Belonging, to Belong to the ONE are all same. I am that longing and I am that belonging and I am the one whom this longing for belonging. I am the fire that burns and I am the one who burns in the fire and I keep going. Whom to question and what is there to question? Should I ask why the longing is there? Or should I ask for whom this longing for? I exist as Longing, Belonging, and the One, all at the same time and the Leela goes on until eternity. It takes two to tango; right; I am ONE and in Bliss, I play tango, be the lover yearning for the beloved, be the beloved waiting to belong to the lover, and be the love playing itself passionately. I am the One, and can reflect as many, as I please.

It's the same with Pain too. I am the pain, happening to myself. Whom to blame, whom to question? Why reject pain in me, thinking it's something else? Why reject me due to belonging to Pain? I am the cause and I am the effect and I can dissolve all, as I please.

Where is the separation? What is the separation?

When a beloved looks into the mirror, doesn't she sees her lover in her eyes, in her smile? The way she moves, in all her groves, doesn't she feels her lover? He is in each breath she takes, he is in every beat of her heart. She sees him within and without. Is she in him, or is he in her? Is she other than her lover? Both are in union always isn't it? Can mirror really be the separation? Can the world around really cause any separation? No, that mirror is invisible, when she looks it and sees not herself, but him. The world around exists no more, as she is in a union. She is The Union herself, isn't it?

It's the same with Pain too. When in Pain one looks into the mirror, one sees nothing but pain and all the changes that it has caused. In all one's moves and groves, all one feels is the pain. Is one in pain or is the pain in one's existence? Is there any separation, any difference. One is the Pain and Pain is one's existence. And One is in eternal union with Pain too. Why reject, discard any part of ourselves? Can that be done?

That's how Brahm/THAT, and this body, this life, this me are. In Union and The Union. Neither body causes any separation, nor this world. That love, that bond is so.



Many books and people recommend that having a living Spiritual Guru in one's life is an absolute must and no one can progress without one. My direct experience of Guru is very different, though. 

I have/had no living Guru in this life, like many other Self Realized ones. I understand and agree with the fact that living Guru can save us from lots of downfalls and can uplift us when needed. But first we need to understand that Guru is NOT a Physical Body. Guru is THAT, Guru is the All-Pervading Self. Guru is Everywhere and so Guru is in Everyone. It can't be otherwise. Whenever I needed guidance or direction in life, some book, sometimes even just a sentence from here or there, took my whole attention and showed me what direction I should take. One after the other books that I purchased, if now I look at the sequence in which I read them, it all seems very well planned, it all seems perfectly arranged. Every person that I met was giving me a message, was showing me something within me, and it all worked the way a real living Guru would have. When I was going through my Self Realization and was struggling, my friend Rob Sacks, just appeared from nowhere and pushed me into it, so the process can be completed sooner. My two other friends, Carol Hopkins, and Arathi Kurahatti kept pushing me to write or record what I am going through and kept me in this body. When I went into long Self-Absorption sessions, kids & my family kept on demanding my attention one way or the other to bring back my body consciousness. My friend was driving me around so I do not have to drive for few days. Guru is Self, and Guru is Everywhere and Guru is in Everyone. So Guru played through my friends, my family, kids around me, as and when I needed. Entire Universe became my Guru, and I had so many around me all the time, to make my journey successful. I can never say enough Thanks to all of them, whose presence helped me walk the path of Liberation.  

तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः
~ Adiguru
It's not about whom I can teach anything or not, it's about who can be taught anything at all. Let me tell you a small incident here. I used to learn Horse Riding while I was in High School. Initially for a couple of times my Trainer/Coach gave me a horse that was docile, and the horse followed my commands 80% of the time, considering I was new to all that too. Another few times he gave me a horse that did exactly opposite of all my commands, I tried to turn him left, he went right, I tried to stop him, and he kept going. One time my trainer gave me a horse which did not move at all. No matter what I did for forty-five minutes, I couldn't move that horse on the ground even an inch. Very frustrated, I climbed down, walked away and I approached my Trainer and asked him, what kind of horse you gave me today, he is not moving at all, he is not doing anything at all. He laughed and said Horse Riding is not only about Riding/Controlling a Horse. Horses are not Cars, for all cars first gear, second gear, neutral, brakes are same, all will behave in similar way, but horses won't. You need to learn how to handle, how to deal with different horses. 

I did not become a professional horse rider, but I learnt a very important lesson of my life that day. So you see, its the same thing. Some people are really serious about their Spiritual Life, their Spiritual Growth and they will make their best efforts to move forward. Some will do the opposite of what is being told to them, I am still fine spending some time with them hoping that someday they will be able to follow exact directions, but there is a limit until when I just leave them alone. But some just want to be in the Spiritual Field, but will NOT move even an inch despite all my efforts, and I am left with no choice but to walk away from such people. And it's not that I feel happy about such situations. I pity them, I feel concerned about them because the opportunity to walk the path of liberation arises ONCE in many lifetimes, and these people have no idea what they are losing, so I feel much love and concern for such people, and I hope for their genuine return.

~ Adiguru
You are asking this question because you do not understand Cosmic Laws, you do not have direct experience of Unified Whole. When everything is ONE, then who can do what for others? To whom do I need to feel responsible for? And if I am responsible enough for this piece of life (me), then am I not being responsible for others as well? If I can conduct this life (me) very well, then am I not conducting it for the sake of entire Universe, this whole Cosmos? Is my life, me, SEPARATE from this Universe, World, Cosmos? No. Entire Universe is within me, and I am this whole Cosmos. Moral Obligations are for those, who think that they are separate from this world, from others. The Sense of responsibility comes when you think you are different, separate than others. When you will understand that it's ALL ONE, we are NOT separate beings, then you will keep yourself BLISSFUL and PEACEFUL at all costs, and that way this World, this Universe will be taken care of automatically. Regardless of where your physical body is, your Energy body will be boundless to uplift the energy all around. You will be LOVE, that's all that is needed. 

When everyone around is in low energy, unhappy, suffering, then the BEST way to help them is that I within myself stay peaceful, in the high energy, and blissful, then only I can do something about anyone else. As they say during flights, put your Oxygen mask first then help the fellow passenger. So the first obligation that you have is for yourself. No wise one (Gyani/Jnani/Self Realized) forgets about the obligation towards ENTIRE UNIVERSE and goes around the world, people beating the drums of Social, Moral responsibilities, and obligations. Because if one piece of life can be kept at ABSOLUTE, many around can be benefited without doing anything else, whether they realize it or not, recognize, understand it or not. It's like because only a handful of Soldiers are standing and protecting a passage into our Country from mischievous ones, the entire population can sleep peacefully. Whether people realize it or not, pay attention to that fact or not, pay gratitude to those Soldiers or not, that's a different thing. A Soldier doesn't become a Soldier because he/she wanted an entire country to recognize their presence, or work. He/She becomes a Soldier because their Sense of Responsibility has grown that large, large enough to include entire Country. In the same way, Gyani/Jnani/Self Realized one's sense of responsibility has grown to the level of entire Universe. Divinity is ALL INCLUSIVE. Then where is the question of this, that, his, her, or others? Everyone is ME, and I am Everyone else. It is very hard for some people to understand all this because their sense of responsibility and care for others is tied to their own expectations, their own feel good factor, their own distorted CARING, and RESPONSIBLE personality that they have created within. It's very hard for them to understand how can you be responsible for others, without expecting anything in return, without expecting any recognition from them, without expecting any feel good factor within. It's a journey from DOER-SHIP to NO DOER-SHIP as the DOER is DEAD. We often find such people cribbing, complaining that I did this for her and that for him, but they never cared, they did exactly opposite, they did not give me credit, I wasn't recognized here and there, by him or her, this way or that way and because of all these uncaring people, and my expectations not being met, now I am miserable. Such people have WRONG sense of moral obligations and responsibility and care. 

~ Adiguru

What is your plan for future? What will you be doing?

I do not have any plans, goals or agendas to live life now. Whichever way Divine wishes "this" to live, it will live that way only. For now I have this website for people to reach out to me, and I have some serious people going through their spiritual journey, whom I keep an eye on and try to help them from time to time. For living, earning I am still working as a Software Professional. How it will be tomorrow, I do not know that. Once the "Will" is surrendered through Self Realization, then there is no one within to even try to know what will tomorrow bring. I am either blissful, or peaceful and life just keep going around me, it's fun. I am totally in love with everything and nothing. (Laughs)

~ Adiguru
If you are asking did I divorce because of my Spiritual Pursuits, then no, it wasn't because of my longing for Divine. (Laughs) It was a decision based upon some facts and it was a mutual, peaceful closure after being married for 14 years. We all are humans and at times have to respect and value our own boundaries and limits. My Ex-Husband is a good father, nice person and I still stay in touch with him on human and friendly grounds. Other than that, yes, I had some close friends and circle of friends, who couldn't understand my need for "isolation" and the way my life went on a different tangent and I have to part ways with many of them. I stopped going to many gatherings and have to decline almost all the invitations, as I couldn't justify living that way. Nowadays, I do prefer one on one long discussions, talks, and I still avoid social gatherings where people put up a fake face and fake smile. 

~ Adiguru
Don't you feel confused when you go to buy a Mobile Phone or Car? There are so many make & models and features. What do you do then? How do you arrive at a conclusion to buy one or the other? You take a deeper look at your "NEED". Not your "want". Though in the era of consumerism, people do buy out of "want" too. But for discussion and understanding sake, let's stick to the "need". So you take a deeper look at your needs, you see what you can and cannot do, given your life situations. You see how far you can stretch yourself? And based on YOUR OWN ANALYSIS DEEP WITHIN you decide which Cell Phone or Car to buy.

 Exactly, in the same way, you should be doing the analysis within you, and then should walk the path that works best for you. And like how you feel happy about so many makes, models, choices available, so you should be happy that there are many ways to walk the path of Liberation. The population of the earth is 7.3 Billion people and there are less than 50 Self Realized Masters whom public/people can reach out to. It doesn't give you very many choices frankly, but you feel deluded as you do not know what is it that you need? What is it that you are trying to do with your life? Are you seeking "Well-being" or are you actively seeking "Liberation", both of these two are very different journeys. Analyze your need within and go that way. I cannot forcefully create the desire for Liberation in you, or for Renunciation in your mind. I do not have a magic wand to Mass Enlighten people. (Laughs)

~ Adiguru
At random, sometimes I may hug a child or someone in pain, or may hold someone's hand. Divine Mother within may function that way. I do not deny the human need for unconditional love, a hug, and holding hands. But an important point to understand here is that I am not my body. There is nothing that one can get extra, by touching this body, or touching my feet. Whatever can be achieved, can be just by thinking about me. No need to see this body even, I am not my body. No need to get attached to this physical body. 

~ Adiguru

Do you still get angry?

All emotions are nothing but tools, to live life, to get things done, and they can be used when necessary. So yes, when Anger is needed to bring the change in someone or to change something, or to get something done, I do display anger. I do not hold it, though. I cannot hold any emotion longer than it is necessary. Don't forget some of the Zen Masters used to Spank their Disciples. No wonder, if someday you see me walking with a stick in my hand too. (Laughs)

~ Adiguru
Rudraksh is a seed from a tree, and it creates the cocoon around you of your energy, it is helpful while walking the Spiritual Path, as every ounce of energy matters. Everything is energy and one is bound to lose a lot of their good energy when one has to stay all day long in offices, in between people, crowded places. So better wear something that can help you. I am still working as a Software Professional and I am in between people from morning till evening. I did not have the luxury to pursue my Spiritual Life in a secluded environment. As Adyashanti mentioned in one of his book that these days, someone may be Enlightened over the weekend, and they may be in an office by Monday. This is exactly how it happened with me. While and After Enlightenment, Self Realization my life, my routine, my work everything stayed the same for me. I have a family, my son to take care of. I am a Divorced, Single mom and I cannot afford to not work as of now. So when life is functional all around, then better wear something, or do something that saves your energy, and keeps you going on your spiritual path. I did not want to wait until I am 60 years old, and retired, to fulfill my longing for Liberation. (Laughs)

~ Adiguru

You eat Non-Veg. Why?

You have a preset notion how the Self-Realized ones should be. How they should talk, dress, behave, teach and all nonsense. You have seen many Religious Masters, Gurus who do not eat many things or maintain a different public personality. Not all Self Realized ones really revealed their life behind the walls of their house, ashram, a spiritual organization, so based on their public appearances and personality you created a notion about them, thinking all should be like that. Now let's see what you are asking? I did eat non-veg all through my life until Enlightenment, and then due to energy changes, physical body changes it went down and finally there came a time when I stopped all-together. Nowadays, I eat what I get, what is being cooked for the family. I do not command my will, there is no personal will left in me, that's what Self-realization is. I have a family and they all eat non-veg occasionally, and I can't change them overnight like I cannot change your mind/all beliefs/notions overnight. Not only animals have Prana, all plants have Prana too. Though I would say that human's digestive system is not made for eating non-veg and works best with vegetarian food, I am saying this from my own experience. If someone asks me before cooking, or if I am myself cooking I prefer vegetarian. I am a good cook and love cooking different cuisines. And I love Indian food, curries. Give up all your preset notions about Self Realized ones, you can only experience the TRUTH when you are ready to Accept the Human-ness in Humans! Brahm/THAT is in everyone and everything!

~ Adiguru
Whatever Divine wishes for anyone around me, it goes that way. I do not will, wish, intend or control such things around me. There is no performer within who can perform such things. Mystical powers are better put to good use for humanity at large. What powers I have may be known to those who experienced it through me, or to the world tomorrow if it has to be that way, if that is Divine's wish. Other than that there is no point in really talking about it. You call them Mystical because Universal Truth, Unified Whole is beyond your understanding as of now, but so is "WI-FI" for some of the Tribal people in today's world. Receiving email from one corner to the other, across the world in less than a minute is highly mystical too. Yes, I am a Software Professional. (Laughs)

~ Adiguru

You talk like Gautam Buddha, did you pursue Buddhism?

No, I did not study, or pursue Buddhism, nor do I have much knowledge about that. It would be nice to read the book about Buddha's life someday. The point is, all Self Realized ones talk the same way here or there, isn't it? Why? The Truth is ONE, truth is same, and there are only so many ways, finite number of ways to represent it. Hence you find similarities. Though TRUTH can never be explained using any medium of Language, it can only be directly experienced. 

~ Adiguru